Day 1,380, 05:50 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by PIemenko


Da bi razumeli načrt in namen kateremu služi je edino pravilno da se sprva seznanite z Anonymous. Vprašanje ni kdo je Anonimous kajti smo bratje in sestre ene ideje. Vprašanje je kaj je Anonymous. Anonymous je kolektiv ljudi iz celega sveta ki smo kljub različnim interesom, mnenjom in prepričanjem združeni pod eno skupno željo po resnični svobodi in po svetu brez zatiranja.

Medtem ko nekateri menijo, da Anonymous zahteva prikrivanje lastne identitete,to v resnici ni popolnoma res. Indetiteta za člana Anonymous ni pomembna.Medtem ko nekateri kateri izvajajo mrežne aktivnosti (hektivizem),
ti seveda želijo svojo indetiteto zakriti že iz samih varnostnih razlogov, drugi katere najdete med nami razumejo da njihova indetiteta ni tako pomembna kakor stvar za katero stojijo in jo predstavljajo.
Anonymous nima vodje, nima obraza niti izbranih govorcev....ker je vsak od nas vse to v svojem prav.Prevzeli smo pobudo da vstanemo proti zatiralski in uničujoči sili ka nad nas meče svoje smeti in posiljuje naš način življenja.

Tudi v naši družbi boste opazili nesoglasja morda tudi močnejše razgovore saj smo vendarle tudi mi le ljudje vendar opazili boste tudi naš skupni cilj, prizadevanja: svoboda in želja po spremembi. V tem delujemo kot združeni v višjem umu. Vsak od nas prispeva mnenja, ideje, informacije na katere potem odgovori ter z dejanji posreduje množica vendar vsak samovoljno. Medtem ko naš kolektiv raste z njim rastejo tudi zmožnosti posredovanja informacij da lahko dosežemo druge in nekaj je tukaj sigurno ter jasno, Anonymous nemore ustaviti nič, nihče...
Dokler smo posamezniki z vsak svojim prav je Anonymouse neustavljiv!

To understand The Plan and the purpose it serves, it is best to first acquaint yourself with Anonymous. The question is not who is Anonymous, for we are all brothers and sisters of one single idea. The question is what is Anonymous. Anonymous is a collective of people across the world who, despite their common differences in opinion and beliefs, unite under one common desire for true freedom and a world rid of oppression.

While some may think that being Anonymous requires concealing one's identity, this is simply not the case. Identity matters not to a member of Anonymous. While some who practice online activist acts (hacktivism), certainly desire to keep their true identity secret for security purposes, others whom you will find in this community understand that who they are does not matter so much as what they stand for. In Anonymous there are no leaders, no figure-heads, no designated spokesmen...as each of us are all of these things in our own right. We have taken the initiative to rise to the occasion and stand firm against the oppressive and destructive forces that have laid waste to our world and raped our way of life.

In this community you may witness a some disagreements, perhaps the occasional argument, after all we are only human. But one thing you will notice as a common and shared goal: freedom and a desire for change. In this we practice the ways of a hive-mind. Each of us contributing ideas and information and the masses acting upon it, all in simultaneous fashion. As the community grows, so does our ability to reach others and one thing is certain, Anonymous cannot be stopped. For while we are all individuals in our own right, the idea of Anonymous is unstoppable!


Anonymous za Slovenijo,video
Jutri razkrivam načrt /// Tomorrow i tell you the plan