Join the Guillotinist Guild!

Day 2,219, 01:01 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

My dear children,

That's right! The fun is coming back. The Guillotinist Guild is finally reborn! In the past, the Guillotinist Guild inspired many politicians, whether they be presidents, party presidents, or congressmen to work towards creating a better Switzerland.

That said, I am proud to announce that the Guillotinist Guild is back and stronger than ever. We are ready to help Switzerland get back on its feet; we are ready to increase the size of our party; and we are excited to convert all of you to the one true faith, Guillotinism!

Anyways, I see that some of you have not yet joined us in our glorious crusade... and that is why I have come here to share this divine message with all of you. I can assure everyone that there is no better party in Switzerland when compared to the Guillotinist Guild. Why? The answer is quite simple. There is no other party as fun as ours; there is no other party as active as ours; and there is no other party as willing to worship the holy baguette!

So why wait? Join the Guillotinist Guild now!

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine
Grand Master of the Guillotinist Guild