IU Congressmen March-April 2011 --- Rules to be followed

Day 1,223, 02:48 Published in India India by Paayum Puli

Dear IU Congressmen,

First of all, congratulations to all the congressmen who won the recent elections and I hope by now you all should have donated at least 2 of the 5 gold to Central Bank of India but in my opinion donating 5g is much appreciated.

Second, there has recently been a wastage of proposals by congressmen which cannot be compromised. Please follow the rules which can be found here . If the above link does not work please read below for the rules and follow it. Thanks.

1.Rules of Congress
These Rules of Congress (RoC) are binding for every member of congress. The RoC can be changed by the members of congress with a 2/3-majority, no matter how many members vote. Every poll for changing the RoC have to be at least 72 hours. Before starting a poll the changes have to be discussed for at least 48 hrs.

2.Congress-subforum and Political Takeover
2.1 Every member of congress should be active on IRC and at least in our national forum.
2.2 Every member of congress have the right to write and vote in the congress-subforum.
2.3 Every minister who is nominated from the elected country president and the president itself have the right to write in the congress-subforum, but not to vote.
2.4 If eIndian congress is PTOed by enemies the former members of congress stay outgame in duty. Only new elected members of congress who get the ok from the national police, get access to congress-forum.
2.5 In times of a PTO every loyal congressmember have to be careful with the proposals.

3.1 The election of the chairman
3.1.1 Between the 26th, 6:00 eRep-Time (end of election) and 28th, 6:00 eRep-Time every member of congress can nominate itself or another member of congress for the chairman-election in the congress-forum. Nominated members of congress have to agree for the nomination in this time.
3.1.2 The election of the chairman will start with a poll in the forum after the end of nomination-period and will take 24 hours. The candidate with the majority is elected, no matter how many members of congress have voted or how many percent he/she gains. The chairman is in charge after his election and till he or a new one is (re)elected.
3.1.3 If the chairman resigns or gets permanently banned a new chairman has to be elected. The rules are the same like in 3.1.1 & 3.1.2 (48 hrs nomination, 24 hrs election).
3.1.4 The chairman can be impeached only, if a new chairman is elected. To start an impeachement, a member of congress have to start a discussion for at least 48 hrs and nominate one candidate. After the discussion-time a poll between the current chairman and the nominated candidate have to be 24 hours. If the nominated new candidate gets the majority, the chairman is impeached.

3.2 The duties of the chairman
3.2.1 The chairman has tor organise the work of the eIndian congress and between government and congress during the legislature period.
3.2.2 The chairman will get Mod-rights in the congress-subforum and has to give the writing-rights to the new elected members of congress.
3.2.3 The chairman has to inform the people of eIndia about the work of eIndian congress with organisation and newspaper of congress ingame.
3.2.4 The chairman can nominate a vice-chairman, who can help him with his work.
3.2.5 The chairman can propose a admonition or other punishments like suspension from the forum, if a member of congress doesnt follow the RoC.

4.First Meeting & Donation to Bank of India
4.1 Every member of congress should be active in the eIndian forum. To see who is active and ready to work every member should sign in in a monthly thread called „First Meeting“.
4.2 Every member of congress should donate at least two gold of the medal-gold to the central bank of india to show loyality.

5.1 Every tax- or minimum wage-proposal has to be discussed for at least 48 hours in the congress-subforum.
5.2 Proposals, which were not discussed or without a working link to the „debate area“ have to be rejected.
5.3 Donations from country account to the central bank of india need no discussion and can be accepted.
5.4 Alliances / MPPs / NEs need no discussion, but the country president should tell the reasons for the alliance in short.
5.5 During the last days of legislature period „exp-proposals“ are allowed, but have to be rejected. Members of congress should propose therefor the same taxes like the current ones. President-Impeachements are not allowed as exp-proposal, because impeachements can be started only every seven days.

6.1 To prevent a Political Takeover (PTO), the members of congress have to be careful with the right to accept the applies for citizenship.
6.2 Application for citizenship should not be accepted without discussion. If the National Police have not agreed, no matter what the CS should be rejected even if the applying person is well-known or not.

Jai Hind,
Navin Stanly.