Interview with Maxx Johnson

Day 1,418, 15:39 Published in USA USA by Dr Heisenberg

1. How would you describe your experience in ST6?

SEAL Team Six is hands down the best community in the eUS and game. After playing for two years and taking on different roles within a lot of groups it's great to be a part of something that feels like "home" so to speak.

2. Describe your exctitment when Pizza The Hut was banned?

Unfortunately rats like him don't stay gone in this game. I find myself with little care or worry for his antics.

3. Do you like it on top or on bottom?

That depends. If I'm in for a rapid deployment, top, if I'm planning a longer term campaign I can mix things up.

4. How do you think Terra/Eden is fairing in this World War? What would you do differently?

Every alliance, and to take it even further country in eRep is cyclical in how they fair. Right now TERRA/EDEN are having success across the globe and we seem to have things in sync. I wouldn't do much differently, just work to ride the wave as long as we can.

5. What is your opinion on adding Albania and Kosovo?

My largest concern here is for Kosovo being under threat from Serbia and it's lackeys. Serbia doesn't need a reason to bring more real-life feelings into the game.

6. If you had Plato tied down to a chair and had 3 hours alone with him what would you do?

I'm a SEAL, I'd be in, out, and it'd be like Plato never existed in under 5 minutes.

7. How do you think the current POTUS Alexander Auctoritas is doing?

A^2 is handling things well from where I stand, as are the majority of his cabinet. I'll be voting for him again in the coming election.

8. How wet do you like it?