Interview With Jmath

Day 701, 17:24 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

F. McNasty: Hello JMatH id like to thank you for giving me a chance to do this interview with you

JMath: I would like to thank you for the honor of being interviewed (:

F. McNasty: i believe we will start with a recent newspaper article you printed, it seems a few people have taken the obvious light hearted funny article seriously when it comes to the part about SVV being a spy. What do you have to say about the article, SVV, and the people who are taking offence to this article?

JMath: Well, for one, you have to be pretty dim to be taking that as 100% truth or as an attempt by me to ruin SVV's campaign for president.

JMath: I would never do such a thing to a person that has been that kind to me over the past month. SVV and I, for the most part, are friends that work together on a daily basis in the IDF, so I have no problem with him. I wrote this article clearly for more fun in our media. We don't seem to have a lot of fun these days.

F. McNasty: JMatH, people are curious of what you think of current administration and how they have run things.

JMath: I personally think our current administration is doing a fine job, especially our Foreign Affairs department. I believe we've chosen the correct way to handle our foreign affairs this past administration with the signing of a Greek MPP, war games, ect.

JMath: On the other hand, though I believe our next congress needs to step it up. We had way too many congressmen leave us within ten days of winning the congressional elections. This has got to stop if we wish to become a more active and better country.

F. McNasty: i understand that you have put your name on the ballot for the IWP Presidential Primaries correct ?

JMath: That is correct.

JMath: I am currently awaiting the response from out Committee to see who the IWP is supporting.

F. McNasty: I would think that if you are trying to run for president that you feel that you could do a better job than our current president ( a fellow IWP member) , what things different would you do if elected that you feel would benefit Israel?

JMath: I am going to burn Cj here for a second and say not lose our treasury 😛

JMath: For one thing, I would try and help our failing active population much more than Cj has.

JMath: I believe our population is a key role in becoming a great nation that can be an example for other nations around the world. I have suggested a committee be made that is completely dedicated to recruiting new Israelis in real life on popular forums, websites, ect.

JMath: I also believe we could work on our Industry department a little more. Now more than I ever I think government owned companies need to be reopened to give our newer citizens jobs and sell weapons and food at lower prices for our new citizens.

JMath: I also believe our president could post an article here and there a bit more. I do believe in serious articles, and I do believe in random, unserious articles. I think a president that is serious and unserious is a perfect example of what we need now more than ever.

F. McNasty: i personally have watched the Infrastructure Fund donations over the time i have been in Israel. One thing i have noticed in the BuzzyTheCat administration is gold and money coming up missing, yet no donations going in and out to show for what was missing,k meaning one of two things, money laundering through the monetary market, or a repetitive game glitch effecting the Infrastructure Fund. What would you do if elected President to make sure that there is transparency with the donations and to make sure that this does not ever happen again?

JMath: Well, for one I'd be sure everyone was informed on what I was doing with their generously donated gold so they could have assurance it was being used for the betterment of Israel. I would also keep very close tabs on our gold in our orgs to ensure nothing is being gradually taken or glitched away. An easy google document or word document would take care of this issue quite easily.

F. McNasty: JMatH, i have been a Squad Leader in the IDF for a few months now. I noticed the IDF getting more organized under Joesph Schmo with Rusty Randy being general, however since SVV has taken over under the CJ Will Win administration i have noticed some disorganization. Being as you are the current General of the IDF would you like to comment on that?

JMath: I agree that under SVV some things have been confusing. Heck, even I was more confused than a baby being born at times, but I do believe that once everyone figures out where they are and where they belong that everything will be sorted out and mroe organized than it has been for a while now. Since a wipeout was ordered to get rid of inactive soldiers, many have been confused on where to look and go. This will be sorted out and organization will resume as it was once before. Confusion leads to organization is my ultimate phrase.

F. McNasty: JMatH, Hyman Roth begged me to ask you if you wear boxers or briefs. What's the verdict ?

JMath: lolwut

JMath: It's boxers, but wtf

JMath: I prefer boxers to briefs, officially.

F. McNasty: JMatH, who would you rather go on a date with Katarina Jese or Hyman Roth ?

JMath: Katarina Jese. She is definitely the sexiest woman we have here.

JMath: and she sure can write some bu*ls*it.

F. McNasty: JMatH, i would like to continue asking you questions but i have more important things to do. This concludes our interview 🙂

JMath: It was my great honor (: