Improve Indonesian Moving Company and Strengthen our food and gift Company.

Day 190, 16:50 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by catalog

English Version

Lower the price and increase the quality.. More vary of quality, it is more better because the people can choose what kind of products or services they can afford with their budget.. Raise your nationality by using local product, even though foreign products or services cheaper, if the different is only about 0.01-0.10 better we choose local product (with the same quality).

SDS Gifts (, for example, this company posting food for Indonesia but most of the employees are from foreign people.. it will damage our local company especially Gift company for a long term..

Indonesia have a strategic position in the erepublik, and the world know that Indonesia is one of the big five countries that play important role in the world, in all sector (military, economic, politics, and Society)

Some problem faced by housing and moving company.. The lack of supply and the lack of moving company make international player such as from UK and Turki got a very big profit from Indonesian market, please all GM, make another moving company to handle this thing, besides that the unemployment in Indonesia is above 30 %.. a huge number..

The economic policy taken by the government is good enough by giving maximum level of tax for foreign product so the local company can be protected, but please do not make a mutual economic agreement with a country that has a strong backbone company (for example weapons company) Indonesian Weapon company is under performance if it is compare to Roman’s. It will give bad impact to Indonesia because Roman got a lot of profit as you can see in the balance sheet; this is the link ( the gap is too big and I hope the government notice and read this..

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Bahasa Version

Harganya turunin dan tingkatkan kualitas, naikin handicap maksudnya.. Waspada produk asing, aku cinta produk dalam negeri hihihi Jangan sampai produk asing.

Sodara, mari kita gunakan produk dalam negeri..

NGI Supermarket produsen makanan ini kok pegawainya banyakan warga asing sih, padahal jualan di Indo.. boikot.... pegawainya orang austria semua... huhuhuhu curang!! beli produk lain aja cuma beda 0.01

Long Live Indonesia!!

gila cepet banget progressnya, tapi indo dalam posisi yang sangat strategis, industri makanan, gift, penerbangan (walo mahal dikit tapi handicapnya 3 hehe) dan houses kuat banget..

selain bidang itu, bidang weapons masi dibawah negara lain..

dari link ini:

kita liad inggris ama Ireland mo perdagangan bebas juga UK dan german.. waspada.. semua industri indo cukup kuat dibanding negara2 tetangga seperti thailand dan jepang, bahkan neraca kita surplus..

tapi dari link ini :, neraca kita ada yang minus, perdagangan ama Rumania dan Turki.. Entar gua coba cari, Romania harga senjatanya bersaing ama yang indo punya..

Kebijakan negara Indo di erepublik udah OK dengan ngasi pajak paling maksimal kepada produk import kecuali ada mutual agreement supaya industri dalam negeri bisa terproteksi.. hihi. Saran saya agar supaya hubungan diplomatik ditingkatkan untuk menampung jumlah makanan produksi industri food dan gift negara indo tercinta! 😁