Greece and Turkey at a Different Geostrategical Crossroad.

Day 1,133, 01:10 Published in Greece Greece by exohoritis

Greetings and wishes to all friends, virtual opponents, comrades,

Many of you know me as a fool, who spends money in a sick game. Well, this is true. Apart from being fool though, I try to constantly learn this game and make friendships even with my e-opponents. Despite my foolness, I try to respect all players by not cheating and by not becoming a politician. For me eRep Politics was, is and will remain to be pig disgusting.

Firstly, I would like to present my analysis on the still ongoing war, summarised in some major conclusions:
1. Turkey blatantly underestimated Greece in four aspects: a) Golds spent by Greek top players, b) number of medium fighters, c) international assistance and d) solidarity and self sacrifice. Many Greeks preferred not to spend their golds and give them to other stronger greek or allied tanks: I could have become, for example, Nr. 1 in the game. Instead of this, I concentrated only on the battles, making my allies (and competitors in gathering xps) stronger. As far as I know, it is the first time -ingame- that this happened to such a monstruous extent.
2. The Turkish attack was weakened by three major factors: a) no clear goals, b) obvious lack of international assistance and c) lack of internal unity.
3. A strong team of super tanks was built together, day by day. This team can produce at this moment more than 7 millions of influence in T7 and is growing to 10 millions. Anyone who knows something about warfare, understands that this monster cannot be beaten, if fed with golds. It only needs medium assistance by one or two countries to win in combined T Russia, Serbia and Hungary. Together...
4. No one said that Greece is stronger than Turkey. We did not underestimate the opponent, some people have exactly calculated what the T capacity of the Turkish elite troops is. On the contrary, we were prepared for a simultaneous attack by FYROM too, knowing how intense feelings we share to each other.
5. Psychology and Morale. Turkey lost it after Aegean Islands and since then it is going steadily lower, to reach now zero point.
6. Innovative military tactics. A lot of new things have been applie😛 a) counterattack blocking/delaying RWs, b) variable, personally customized tankings, c) extensive use of allied ammunition lines, d) scheduling of the critical rounds in convenient hours, e) fully exploiting the time difference that our allies have (USA, Canada, Western Hemisphere, China). The major Turkish allies (willing to help...) are located in Europe...The turkish night advantage, a key aspect for the turkish military, was balanced and reversed with the help of our allies.

As you may understand, a completely new system of MODERN TANKING was applied in this war...And I am really proud that I contributed to the birth of it. Of course you need Golds, which I have spent like a fool, but you have also to know what to do with them and stay awake and organise and reorganise and regroup and supply...Many times I read about Visa/Mastercard. Ok, you are right. But behind Visa there are men who watch the wall, who lost sleep, who give Ts.

Ok and now we come to the different crossroads opening for each country:
A. Greece
1. The worse enemy is arrogance. We have a lot to do...Greek war economy is based on OLD structures. Very old. A lot of people are talking about the necessary changes and the changes do not come. Every day that passes is a lost day.
2. Either we meet a national agreement for the next two months or we will lose everything gained. Strength, strength and strength.
3. Greece is CAGED. We cannot expand to nowhere right now. If we are to become strong we have to get oil and rubber. For the beginning.
4. Greece cannot become an empire. We lack the players and the interest...We should try to become a regional power respected by opponents and helping allies. Dreams of ruling the Asia and the Balcans sound good but they would destroy us.
5. Nevertheless, Greece changed level in this war. We secured a deserved seat where decisions are made. On its top day, Greece reached with the strong help of allies, 17 millions of damage in one Erep day...This is more than whole Serbia fighting in one day.

B. Turkey
1. Under current circumstances, game logic demands immediate peace. You need to gain some time, peace time. Grain and iron can be found elsewhere, new players not.
2. The future of Turkey lies in the East. The bitter today was produced NOT only when you decided to attack Greece (with no game reason...) but also when you decided to erase Cyprus... You have nothing to do in the West or Balcans. Too crowded for another power.
3. Look Nr. 4 for Greece above. With only one major fighting force, Lazokrasi, a very strong one, you cannot rule Chile, Colombia, FYROM, Cyprus, attack Greece and help the alliance. You are indeed good but not Gods. Remember what I wrote about 7 millions in T7...which are becoming 10.

Yours sincerely and wishing we have a peaceful change of the year,
