Gratitude and etc

Day 1,523, 03:50 Published in Cyprus Ireland by Johnny Spoon
Styx have the honor to participate in this article's soundtrack

Hello panpas ,

The reason I write this article is to express my gratitude to all those , that helped me yesterday , in the RW @ Slovenia . My skills in writing are absurd so I won't write a huge article with honors and stuff .

However , a huge amount of gratitude is reserved to all those people who burned their gold , so that I can brag today about this achievement . Those are none others than Megalexandros , Lady Argana , Depici , Kostas Fostiras , Nikos Stoupakis etc. A huge thanks also to all those Greek and non-Greek friends , most of them inci and inci international , for their support and help .

Exams have reserved my so precious free time , so you won't hear from me a lot for the upcoming month .

Till next time ,
Johnny Spoon

Bonus Material

Sometimes beating your real-life best friend is awesome xD