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Day 1,799, 20:22 Published in USA USA by Sgt. Flatt

Hi and welcome to the Spider-man Nation

Today i would like to start off by saying lets not make tax cuts to our military. Here is my list of reasons

- People will die
- If we make cuts to the Navy we will have less aircraft carriers.
- Less carriers means less air support. and more time for that air support to arrive because of air traffic.
- Less air support means a longer time for men on the ground to get support
- Longer time means more lives lost

And the Obama Kim Jongistration wonders why the entire time since we started fighting in the middle east, he has held the most amount of military deaths so far.
The death toll is around 2,000 and he holds 1,500 of them

If you would like to argue or start debates in my comments, that is ok but please be respectful

One more thing i don't get... Whats Romnesia???

Also if you vote and sub. or have. Comment this post and state your name, then i will give you your very own superhero nickname!