Forever Alone

Day 1,609, 09:08 Published in USA USA by Dr Heisenberg

I will not be forever alone!!

So for the sake of my newspapers getting more votes and more publicity I am going on a mass friend hunt!

Since my browser crashes every time I try to add lots of people at once I am resorting to buying friends!

So follow these simple instructions for 2 free Q5 tanks!

1. Add me as a friend (1 q5 tank)
2. Vote # + Sub # (in comments)
3. Shout article link (after I add not before)(1 q5 tank)

Also to make this a little more fun I will collect all the names of people who comment vote and sub and add (even if youve subbed before you can still participate in this part) and make a lottery to see who will win these fun prizes!

1st place: 2 gold
2nd place: 50 q5 tanks
3rd place: 100 q5 food

I will present the winners on THIS article after it has been published for 24 hours so please make sure to check!

Thank you all for helping me get popular in this game 😉

Me after this article works out so well

Also if you have the time read my War Review article its decent!