eUSA vs eMacedonia

Day 1,882, 16:10 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Plainswalker

И така си терам уште еден мандат кај американците [МНР МАКЕДОНИЈА] Резултати од конкурсот за амбасадори. Во оваа статија малку споредба помеѓу двете земји во очи на потпишувањето на сојуз помеѓу нас.

Further reading:
[eUS VP] - What have we been doing?
[POTUS] War is coming.

Today is the first time eMacedonia and eUSA will sign a Mutual Protection Pact and in light of that here is a small comparison between the two countries.

When it comes to the size of the countries and their population, there is one thing that caught my eye and that is the fact that voters in eUSA are more then fighters. It is odd indeed, but given the current political situation it seems a lot of accounts are being created for election purposes only.

There isn't much to say Economy wise.

Nor about the political figures on both sides.

Well, seems like there isn't much to say about anything.

The numbers speak for themselves and you can make your own conclusions and post your own comments.

eMacedonian eAmbassador in eUSA