eSouth Africa: What is happening?

Day 1,950, 21:07 Published in South Africa Israel by Chaim Dov

I have been gone from the game for atleast two years now, during that time period I believed that eSouth Africa had been liberated from Brazil in which we where occupied by during that time. I still remember fighting against them but I realized the policy of the government at the time was ineffective and in anycase appeasement from the highest.

However a friend contacted me to come back and help fight for eSouth Africa, which shocked me. Why would I have to come back for? What was happening? I have come back to find this country in a mess, Brazil and Uruguay now hold on to provinces and seem to invade inland of our sovereign territory. It disgusts me that I am fighting for no cause, more or less that the eSouth African Ministry of Defense made it official policy to direct military attention to a conflict that shouldn`t even concern eSouth Africa!

This bloody government is so incompetent that the forum doesn`t even work for honest and hardworking citizens who want to do their part in defending their nation. I can't see that topic, so how do you expect people to obey you without telling them the strategy and obeying yourself? This government and defense ministry ordered our soldiers to fight for Australia...Australia!!!!!! When are own nation was being torn up and divided among the bloody Brazilians and their South American counterparts.

However I have continued to fight for eSouth Africa but everyday I continue to feel slightly disenchanted by the war, it seems to me my effort is totally for nothing.