eSkiJumping - new international eSport

Day 1,068, 12:32 Published in Norway Peru by VaIentine MD


Hello everybody.

I would like to inform you, that a new esport is starting!

eSkiJumping is one of many esports which have worked until v2 erepublik version. It was only polish esport, but now it comes back as the international erepublik sport!

Competitions have taken place in Deluxe Ski Jump 3 simulator. Now a new simulator is being created. There will be five skills: in-run technique, take-off power, flight position, landing technique and stability of the disposal. There will be height, weight and experience too. All skills will be reseted, so everyone will have the same chances to win.

How to join? It's very easy. Every player gets 30 points, which have to be distributed to skills. You must choose your jumper's height(from 160 to 210 centimeters) and weight (from 50 to 75 kilos). You have to send to eFIS a personal message containing: your jumper's name and surname, his country, chosen skills, height and weight.

There will be, of course, possibility to train. Once a week you can rise one skill by 5 points for the amount of money that I will set. Training, of course, is not necessary. Skills will rise automaticly depending to the position. Falls will reduce landing technique.

That is everything for today, I encourage you to join, season starts at Nov. 3. I want to launch a website in few days. All news and results will appear there.