Enlightened Self-Interest: An opinion piece

Day 861, 18:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bristel Akina

Do we have it?

Or are we just selfish?

This is the topic of the day, please discuss.

I'm going to rebut comments, and try focusing the topic on three points.

NOTA BENE: This is all my opinion, and it is not a reflection of my party's beliefs, nor a reflection on my duties as TD, nor on the government of eIreland. And yes, there is some sarcasm involved in this article.

1- Ireland "Selfish or self-interested"?

2- EDEN versus Phoenix "Good vs Evil, or clashing selfish interests"?

3- The eWorld at large "Are we just means to an end, or a team focused on a goal"?

The first topic, I will stay relatively short upon, because I am not well-versed in eIrish politics yet.

I have seen a lot of in-fighting between two camps, but could fairly be set into four camps.

The "We need to be less neutral" camp:

This camp is set in the belief that eIreland is only going to suffer having to be neutral.

While I know that it would be ideal to get everything that we need from being neutral, that doesn't seem to be the case. And of course, neutrality is a hot-button issue in many countries around the eWorld, but does it truly benefit us?

I believe that we need to continue making efforts to be friendly with other countries, and I am glad that we have moved into the situation with the Brolliance, as we can expect to make great friends with them, as I am sure we are already friends individually.

Wars are almost inevitable, and we need to prepare ourselves for the worst.

We also need to stop being afraid of offending others, by going for goals that we want to achieve, even if they are impossible.

The "We need to be more neutral" camp:

This camp believes that eIreland can only stay safe and prosperous if we don't piss others off.

Neutrality is an ideal that is being clung onto by those who believe that we will suffer greatly if we decide to ever being active on the world stage.

I'm only guessing here, but I suppose that some are afraid that if we take a step towards the Brolliance (which we have done to no obvious detriment currently), or towards EDEN, that we will be in danger of being attacked by the eUnited Kingdom out of revenge.

This is BS. We have allies, and some pretty damn strong ones too.

If we were to be attacked by the eUK, let's fight back, or better yet, go in and invade them first.

Sitting on our asses all day (or night time in Ireland for those living there 😃 ) will only make us look weak.

Attacking, then failing, or not fighting at all, doesn't make us look strong at all. Just stubborn.

Let's do something fun, and go nuts on another country, ie. the eUnited Kingdom, or eFrance, or something to that effect.

This topic is getting hard to write upon right now, and I promised to keep that one short, so I am moving to my second topic.

EDEN versus Phoenix "Good vs Evil, or clashing selfish interests"?

Well, since we are now a part of the Brolliance with the eUSA, eCanada, and eAustralia, I suppose that beating a dead horse topic like EDEN v Phoenix is a bit moot.

But, for the sake of getting my opinions put out there, I'm going to talk about this topic.

There is a definite EDEN bias in eIreland today, but with some very vocal opponents and Phoenix supporters.

I want to make this clear: This is a good thing, not bad. We are all entitled to our opinions.

Here's mine. I do not support Phoenix for several reasons.

One: Phoenix has taken eChina's territories and does not pay them reparations for their occupation.

Two: Phoenix takes advantage of smaller countries, and has effectively eliminated counter-opinion on their policies and tactics.

Three: Phoenix has supported the wipe-out of eSouth Africa, and has come very close to eliminating their sovereignty forever. They have all but openly supported the tactics of Channer groups like Harvad in the destruction of eSouth Africa. eBrazil has not received punishment from Phoenix over their support of illegal means to take over eSouth Africa, at the most it was a slap on the wrist, and an open letter shaming them. (An open letter to which has been largely ignored or abandoned lately)

Four: Phoenix has shamed eIran for being unable to participate in Phoenix's operations because RL Iranian citizens could not log on to eRepublik. This created some tension a few months ago, but Phoenix has not yet apologized for being rude and insensitive. (Please link me an apology to eIran if I am wrong.)

End of my opinions on Phoenix. I will not rebut those points at all.

Here's a few opinions on EDEN.

One: EDEN at one time was an amazing force to be reckoned with, but has now devolved into children fighting over selfish goals, and bashing the eUnited States for being independent and not "supporting" them when they needed help, in the case of eCroatia's Land Bridge to NoWhere, etc.

Two: EDEN has further continued into being selfish babies by not listening to the needs of smaller countries, ie eSouth Africa. Going so far as to further attack an ally by claiming that the eUSA fought against efforts to free more than one eSA territory, when in fact the eUSA was told, just as EDEN was told, that it would be much safer for eSouth Africa to have ONE territory at this time, in order to prevent more PTO chances.

Three: EDEN is a so called "brotherhood", yet they can't decide what goals are more important for the whole of EDEN.

Four: The letter signed by most of the EDEN countries' leaders was an affront to sovereignty. No country should have to answer to their choices without being able to argue the other mistakes that other countries have made. (The eUS stays clearly out of the arguments on mistakes up until the eSouth Africa debacle).

End of more EDEN opinions.

The eWorld at large

Is it in eIreland's best interest to do as it pleases, or work with other countries in order to satisfy our goals?

I for one, believe that just signing MPPs with other countries isn't going to cut it.

We must dedicate ourselves to fulfilling all of our goals, but in conjunction with fulfilling the goals of our new brothers and our old ones.

Just remember, if we have a goal, state it, and then work with others to complete that goal.

Don't just sit and whine when it doesn't happen, go and do it.

I was talking of enlightened self-interest. In order to complete our goals, we must work to do them, not selfishly, but as a part of a team. If we work with the Brolliance, we will have our goals met. But going off to do things on our own is not how a team works.

/end of lecturing or ranting, or whatever it is I have been doing for 20 minutes now.

May our road be guided by teamwork, let us carve out a new road ourselves, as a brotherhood. We don't need to follow the roads that EDEN or Phoenix have made.

-Bristel Akina