Empire Ender Medal

Day 2,196, 13:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Equalist

On day 2,185 the Admins introduced the Freedom Fighter medal. To achieve this medal, all people had to do was fight in a resistance war on the side of the resistance. If they defeat enough enemies in enough successful battles, the medal would be theirs. The medal is relatively easy to reach, giving people an opportunity to gain 5 gold. This made it easy for citizens to prioritize their battles towards gaining that medal, creating unprecedented consequences.

On day 2,191, the Admins created a new ranking known as Country Power. Countries that had over 4,000 Country Power points were considered empires. Poland, China, Hungary, and Greece all qualified for this position of power. Just 5 days later, only Poland remains classified as an empire, with around half the points it had on the first day. Country Power is defined by a formula that consist of how powerful the military of a country is and how many regions it has conquered. This also takes into account the military power of the country whose regions were conquered. The exact equation is unknown, but chances are the logarithms are complicated.

It is clear that the introduction of the Freedom Fighter Medal has greatly upset the balance of war. But if that was not enough to end the conquest of regions, a new concept was also introduced. Determination has increased the influence people have on the battle, sometimes as much as 6x depending on the length of occupation. Of course, this multiplier is only included on the side of the resistance. And if a country wants to attempt to reconquer that region, that multiplier will continue to work against them.

The new changes are likely to cause a paradigm shift in military strategy. Considering this has been going on for just over a week, it is hoped that the problems will balance out. Only time can tell, but until then there are things you can do to protect our country and allies. Be sure to follow and prioritize military orders from your country and/or military unit. If you are to attempt to gain Freedom Fighter medals (which many of us are guilty of), fight smart. Ideally, you would want to fight in battles that are not against our allies, but if there are no other option, then be sure to fight in the last moments when a region is guaranteed to win. If it is guaranteed our allies will lose a region, you might as well get 5 gold out of it.

The Equalist