Election fever !

Day 1,627, 15:00 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

Good evening,

Tonight brought me to write another article. Unlike others I’m not a very “image” kind of person so I’ll get right to the point.

Who am I voting for and most importantly, why write this article ?

I honestly believe eBelgium is in need of a push forward, the direction of forward may be different for each of us but... this is why I’m writing this article. Tomorrow is election day and you get the choice out of three people with a solid idea about the way they wish to run eBelgium and a chance to win the elections, each of them believing in their way forward. But can all of them push or will some of them only be attempting to pull a very heavy weight ?

Our first candidate is the outgoing president, BrunoCND. Bruno believes in the current state of eBelgium with perhaps some minor changes to reach out to more people, and attempt an activation politic by more giving. His push forward would be a push forward in the same direction as the previous month. His main strength is his willingness to do good for all eBelgians and greatest weakness being afraid of taking a tough decision that might get some people unhappy.

The second candidate is Wim Vercauteren, the “noble” leader of the LCC who strongly believes in a communist ideal and will do everything in his power to convince you it’s for the better. He believes that the politics should be done in game despite the lack of correct tools for governance. His push forward would be one in the direction of a state of anarchy in my opinion. His greatest strength is his willpower to move the unthinkable and his greatest weakness the disregard for technical game mechanics in his ideals.

Lastly, we have mittekemuis a great eBelgian of the past who returned to help this little eCountry she never stopped caring for. She’s a strong motor of political work mainly in the Foreign Affairs area. You can easily find the proof of that in the quantity of articles she put up in the Media and the international support in the comments. She would like to put eBelgium on the world map and you can count on her to make that happen with just a little bit of support. Her greatest weakness is the lack of presence in eBelgium over the past few months. Her greatest strength is her motivation and work to make things happen.

Tomorrow I’ll be voting for mittekemuis because;
Out of the three candidates, she has the program I believe in most.
Out of the three candidates, she has the largest experience.
Out of the three candidates, she has the strongest wish to move eBelgium to a more exciting future.

A presidential term is not to be taken lightly, it’s a time consuming job, it wears on you. It’s all about “executive” power, a president doesn’t really make the decisions on her own, she’ll have to abide by the rules congress sets forth. This is the second reason I’ll be voting for mittekemuis, a president needs to be able to work with congress and convince them of the direction she’s trying to take.

Out of the three candidates, you can build on mittekemuis, she will work out the ideas with you, not try to impose her sole views, not taking small steps forward but pushing all of us a huge leap into the right direction.

Remember to vote wisely tomorrow and have a nice election day !