El rocket Q2 baixa a 284.40cc igualant-se a 1 GOLD

Day 1,938, 15:09 Published in Egypt Egypt by eArtuditu

Taula de costos de fabricació de Rockets al mercat Egipci:

Rockets Manufacturing Costs Table at Egyptian Market:

| Preu: 142.200 EGP (0.509 GOLD) | Dany: 50,000 | Dany/EGP: 351.617
| Preu: 284.400 EGP (1.019 GOLD) | Dany: 250,000 | Dany/EGP: 879.044
| Preu: 853.200 EGP (3.056 GOLD) | Dany: 500,000 | Dany/EGP: 586.029
| Preu: 1,706.400 EGP (6.112 GOLD) | Dany: 1,750,000 | Dany/EGP: 1,025.551
| Preu: 1,279.800 EGP (4.584 GOLD) | Dany: 2,500,000 | Dany/EGP: 1,953.430

Battle Hero Medal award (3 GOLD) in EGP: 837.600 EGP

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