El Presidente

Day 1,286, 11:34 Published in Philippines USA by Aren Perry

Hello All,

I am announcing that I am running for president of the Phillipines! I write to you during a time of apparent inactivity within our nation. Our nation is in stable condition, though I believe stagnating from a lack of inactivity within our community.


This is not any persons fault, it is in good part due to the media module being changed and making it harder and less attractive to write articles and more importantly to read them. Honestly, there hasn't been much to write about and to read requires great lengths to actually see the articles, like this one.

However, to foster a sense of community, I intend to re-take my former habit as president of writing presidential updates on a regular basis to keep the nation feeling informed and in the loop about whatever is going on around our nation.

I do appreciate the re-appearance of MoM and the creation of the lottery which bring a sense of community and I intend to keep both the person in charge there and also the lottery running on a regular weekly basis.


Through the hard work of some talented individuals, our military is well formed and in place. However, we face new difficulties with the storage issues that the admins have placed upon orgs and citizens alike-

Our nations ammo supply

We are over-run. This is in one way a good thing, in one way not. We have plenty but really we could use more, our current stock would last us 4-5 battles I estimate, maybe less if they were hard fought. I intend to stuff full all government orgs available until they are filled with Q5 weapons. Also, I intend to sell on the open market and also lottery away to citizens our Q3 weapons that are in stock to create room as we have no real need for these to be taking up space in our inventory.

Also for our military, I feel that we have been rather stagnant in missions. Again, this is just due to the nature of our alliance and our current strategic needs. However, if missions do not provide themselves, I would like to see our military funded with weapons on a once a week basis to fight in a domestic battle even if it is not important to promote morale and cohesion in our troops. I am very encouraged to see that we provided essential damage in our friends the Swiss RW to return their land to them.

As for our own interests, I will be in contact as soon as I am president about the return of Visayas to our hands. With the help of others, you may recall that during my presidency we brought about the long awaited return of Mindanao to our hands. I hope to do the same for Visayas and also respect our relationship with the Indonesians as best as possible.


With the recent ability added for everyone to self supply food to at least a certain degree, I see the economy going downhill even further with a lack of the ability to sell goods and the inability to store them causing the value of the dollar to reach 0.001 within no time flat. Unfortunately, there is nothing no government can do to actually combat this, but government aide and food will be available to those who need it. The ability to earn gold will become harder and harder, however. Just work 30 days in a row and get those 250 strength points!

I hope that I have outlayed my plan well to you, and want to reassure you that my presidency will be an active and well informed public month, building a sense of community again within our media module and therefore with our people.

Aren Perry