Editorial on Germany

Day 2,753, 23:29 Published in Netherlands Germany by BaronVanZon

A lot has been said, shouted and written already on the Dutch-German conflict. As a new player, lacking the history and hindsight of it all, I asked around. It struck me that a lot of the answers I got were different. And a lot of people didn't quite know. So I decided to do some investigative journalism and simply...ask the Germans for their viewpoint.

My first conversation partner is an official one: KTTRS, the German president.

Mister president, thank you for having me. What exactly triggered the hostilities between Germany and the Netherlands, according to you?

The hostilities were triggered by ArcanicMinje a government official from your country. He made some incredibly distasteful comments about Germany and our beloved ESC-singer. Germans are a very emotional and compassionate people, so naturally we take comments like that very seriously.

This is also the reason why we have to demand a public apology from ArcanicMindje. I would probably have to face a revolution in eGermany if I stop the war without a sincere apology from him.

Moreover, we can of course use the fruit-bonus in NNL and it's just nice to have some war to get TP points/have something to do.

What is Germany's official policy on this matter? Do you want peace or press on with war?

Well we don't want a complete and ongoing occupation of your country nor ongoing war. I think that's something which could ruin a country and I wouldn't even want enemies to face something like that. However as I promised healthy apples to my voters Germany has to keep NNL for some time.

We Germans care for our health and of course one of the most German foods is an apple. Unfortunately we are cut off from our own apple supplies in Saarland which means we have to borrow them from you guys.

This is also the reason I had to propose another NE today, because I can't risk a threat to our apple supplies and some of you guys (probably Arcanic) started a RW in NNL.

So what is more important, the apology or the apples?
Should there be an apology, would you relinquish any hold on Dutch domain?

It's unfair to ask this first question question, nearly impossible to decide there, but if you would hold a gun to my head I'd probably say the apology from the ecriminal arcanic. A sincere apology would be a vital step. However the recent AS on Denmark didn't really help you there.

Germany has many resistance wars on his hands right now, wouldn't it be better to close a few fronts? Does Germany have the funds for this war?

RWs are no problem. I can understand that people want to fight for their country and liberate it. But at some point you have to face the harsh reality. Germany had to realize this as well with her neighbours Hungary and Poland. If we lose a critical RW we can just start another NE, and if there should be an important battle for us or our allies we can just completely ignore the RW (like we did when Australia attacked us). We don't have to spend money on the war , so yes definitely.

What is the opinion of the average German on this matter?

To be honest the average German just doesn't care that much. To have some war/fun is of course cool.

I asked my congress about this war before and everyone was in favour of attacking. Of course as also some people from NL noticed there are a few people who disagree on attacking a smaller nation / former ally. But tbh these people will show up when we start any war, start preaching/write one article and then vanish again and be inactive.

Our active player base has been in favour of the war. But I think no one wants to have a completely occupied NL that's obvious.

Thank you for this interview.

Certainly a politician's answer. While the German president stresses the insult was the key element, he does admit fruit resources has alot to do with the whole matter. He does claim the war has alot of backing, but is this true?

To find out, I take to the street and poll a few random active players. I asked them two simple questions:

1) Is the war between Germany and the Netherlands about resources (fruit) or politics?

2) Would you like the war to end or continue?

A few reactions:

"It's about resources and "fun". Germany wouldn't start the war if it wouldn't benefit a bit. Also the war wouldn't have take place if the enemy would have been stronger. I was against it from the beginning. I prefered other countries as a target. Because we never really had any issues with the Netherlands. In the past we both suffered from the Polish suppression. Germany and the Netherlands should stick together."

"I am not that good informed about the goverment, but I can gladly state my opinion: I think the war itself was a) to do something against the boredom and b)to get that fruit resource. The reason we attacked the dutch were that they are our neighbour and we have no real other possible targets and that there seems to be some argument between our government and some dutch people. I don't really care, but I think it should end soon with us keeping Northern Netherlands for the time being. I am just weak D1 fag, so it is not really my turn to comment on this topic since I will not be able to do much damage."

"In the end it is both - and it escalated a bit between the involved parties.

- NSPP and its missing activity
- Germany left the NSPP
- No help for NL when Germany started the invasion
- (failed) AS by Australia in connection with their stupid propaganda (Chile+Wipe)

So, in my eyes this war shows the miserable situation of the NSPP and its foundation, therefore it shows a big political problem. Why? Because some of those partners weren't "actively" interested in the future of the NSPP (and I'm not talking about Germany/Germark) - and that's what happens if you don't maintain your partnership. The question is: Does NL want to end this war. We clearly stated our (fair) demands."

"Well, as we explained in length already in several articles and comments and in a meeting with your current government, the issue about the insults is obviously not only a political but also a psychological one. The German soul is very sensitive and was hurt deeply by the horrible comments that were made about our allegedly disastrous result at the ESC. Our people were looking to the government to do something about the disrespectful behaviour and outrageous slander. In order not to lose his face, KTTRS, our beloved President, left the NSPP and answered the affront with a righteous declaration of war. Keeping the fruitregion is a justifiable compensation for the dishonest behaviour and unjust damage done by your unethical government. An exemplary proposal for a peace treaty was proposed and cruelly answered with an immoral sneak attack on our unionpartner Denmark. I believe that explains our stance in detail.

If your government asks for a meeting and has true intentions of working on a solution, you will find that I am always willing to give peace a chance."

In my opinion, it is indeed about the fruit resources. Germany lost Saarland and needed a region to keep producing. There was a Dutch region nearby and they knew they could take it. Of course there will have been some diplomatic incidents, in fact, I'm quite sure of it, but the question is if they have not been turned into a means to and end.

It makes me wonder if a different solution had not been possible, for example to call on The Netherlands to reconquer Saarland. Maybe that was not possible, I do not know.

What I do know is Germany will try to keep the north as long as they can and the war is far from over. We will see what elections bring in both countries and if a new political course might emerge.

If not, the war is far from over.


Baron Van Zon
Your Chief editor

Disclaimer: This is an editorial, meaning it gives my own opinion, not that of my country, my government or even all of the eDutch. I left out the names of the people who gave a quick reaction, to safeguard their right of privacy.