eChina News/中国新闻 第三期 (Sep.23th-Sep.30th)

Day 680, 21:31 Published in China China by eChina
热烈庆祝 中华人民共和国 成立60周年!

eChina News/中国新闻 第三期 (Sep.23th-Sep.30th)

编辑:shawkcn 翻译:GMeowMeow等


1、国会大选结束, 本土玩家掌控几乎所有席位

在 26 号结束的国会大选中, 本土玩家在良好的组织下大 获全胜, 掌控了几乎所有国会席位, 之前的反对党 Fxxxn Gong 这次一无所获, 真正的非本土玩家只有 Snayke 一人。 这个局势有两方面的影响, 一方面, 国人没有了反对党的掣肘, 可以开始专心于发展国家; 另一方面, 这样的结果是否会对非本土 玩家造成打击, 暂时无法预料。 另外还要注意的就是, 在失去了 Fxxxn Gong 这个反对目标后, 本土玩家间团结一致的局面 是否会遭到破坏。


随着 24 日美国从俄罗斯手中夺回新 泽西州, 俄罗斯彻底被挤出了北美战 场。 国民们在为美国感到高兴的 同时, 也发现自己必须开始面对一 个现实的问题。 那就是随着俄罗斯在北美的 谢幕, 中国已经无法继续在北美战 场打酱油了。 以前那种随时可以参战的局 面已经一去不复返了。 现在国民们能够依赖的就是 Sol 军演, 但这意味着玩家们必须掐准 时间, 不然就可能面对无仗可打的 境地。 9 月 27 日, 菲律宾突如其来的灾难, 使得 Sol 军演也暂时无法实现。 内阁及议员们采取了及时的 应对措施, 计划于 30 日中午开始一场针对菲律宾 的 6 小时军演。 不过由于菲律宾总统排除万 难坚持上线并于 30 日凌晨恢复 Sol 军演, 这场拟议中的 6 小时军演最终无须发动。 目前与三十国军演的联系还 在进行, 中国将可能同时参与两场军 演以避免类似这次的意外情 况。

3、GDP 数据连续大幅下降

至 Day 677 为止, 国内 GDP 数据值为 468.8G , 已经呈现出连续几周大幅下 降的趋势。 GDP 数据计算公式是 GDP=C+G+L+S 。 C 是国内公司创建费用。 G 是国内公司升级费用,L 是公司购买销售执照的费用 ,S 则是国内产品销售总额。 据非官方统计, 中国近期 GDP 高峰是出现在约三周前五星 医院开始动工时, 达到 1200 多 G 。 前段时间则是维持在 900G 左右, 之后开始一路下降。 据猜测下降的原因有国内大 量公司停止运营、 大量人口出国打工、 走私猖獗等。


在赢得国会选举的大胜后, 国人们又开始燃起了收复失 地的热情, 并提出了以高铁产区之一为 代价邀请外国助战的想法。 但理想是美好的, 事实是残酷的。 dawenxi 的一篇国内各地形势分析重 新让人回到现实。 革命尚未成功, 同志尚需努力。 好好修炼内功才是当务之急 。


五星医院继续 20 人全力开工中。 截止发稿时为止建设进度是 59.5% 。


众所周知, 在本次的国会大选中, 本土玩家赢得了一个完全的 胜利, 包揽了几乎所有席位。 但是这个局势是否会对国内 的非本土玩家们造成影响呢 ? 他们会怎么看待这次选举结 果和 e 中国未来的发展呢? 就这些问题, 我们采访了著名非本土玩家 Ma Chao , 以下是他的答复:
(以下是我们翻译后的版本 ,Ma Chao 原话请见本期英文版)

Ma Chao :
感谢你的关心。 正如你所知, 早在 2009 年初期,eChina 的国民几乎都不是本土玩家 。 我们的一个目标是引导更多 的本土玩家加入 eRepublik , 通过这些玩家为 eChina 兴盛目标的奋斗, 以达到增强 eChina 实力的目的。 从这次选举可以清楚的看出 , 我们的目标达到了, 尽管我们几乎被排挤出了中 心甚至要离开 eChina 。 当然引入游戏的玩家是越多 越好, 但 eChina 的命运现在正掌握在它的人 民手中, 就像应该的那样。 现在回头看看, 真有讽刺的感觉, 我们这样一群完全不会中文 的玩家当初是如此努力的为 了这个目标而奋斗, 而这个目标却要使得我们要 被迫离开这个我们曾经为之 战斗和流血过的国家。 不过, 只希望未来一代的 eChina 新闻工作者能够尝试不仅仅 用中文来出版, 我想那对于非本土国民是不 会有任何负面效应的。 最后, 会对大众造成影响的不是议 员们的种族, 而是他们的思想。 只要这些公职人员现在和未 来能继续支持低税率和自由 开放、 政府最小干预的市场政策, 每个在 eChina 的国民都会得到发展。 个人方面, 我没有什么可后悔的。 我这次介入政坛只是因为我 们的国家正处于可怕的被伊 朗和印尼及之后的 Juche 成员的政治控制的威胁下。 每个席位都需要那些实际关 注国家的人, 所以我们参加了国会选举。 我尽全力来保护 eChina 人民, 这一切真的就是这么一回事 。


1、临近国会大选, 每天 N 多垃圾提案, 我们不幸的囧统 solotar 又一次被弹劾了, 而且是没有任何理由的。 某群众对此表示理解:
“就是, 总统怎么也要每天弹劾 2 次才能彰显身份。 ”
(主编感言:从本报创刊起 , 怎么每期的八卦里都是 solotar 被弹劾的事……)

2、中国驻美国大使 aliao 上任未满一周即传出绯闻。 据其本人自曝:
“我最近怀疑美帝国务卿在 调戏我……丫对我说:你讲 西班牙文不? ”

3、tonyunreal : “我跟 aliao 已经合法那啥了。 ”
aliao : “我觉得没准这才是我拉来 那兄弟跑了的原因。 他以为我跟人私奔去了云南 也不和他说一声。 ”
别想歪了, 这是 tony 和 aliao 在得知两人均在国会选举中 不战而胜后的对话。

4、在被排挤出北美酱油市场后 , 群众翘首以待 Sol 军演, 据传军演应于凌晨 1 点开始, 但迟至 1 : 30 仍未开始后, 有人暴走了:
“ Sol 军演是骗钱的! 老板退钱! 都快半个小时了! ! ! ”

5、在得知有日本人在山西发动 起义后, 不明真相者激动了一下, 旋即被人泼了冷水:
“那是人家的军演而已, 早点洗洗睡吧。 ”
“ Cosplay 一下日俄战争中的感觉吧。 ”

6、国会为了和菲律宾 6 小时军演的事吵得不亦乐乎 眼看就要抄家伙互殴的时候 , 杀出俩大款, 曰:
“你们就为了这个吵架? 这次军演费用我们出, 行吧。”


KFC是什么? Kentucky Fried Chicken? 不, 应该是Korean Fried Chicken, 伟大的韩国人又一次得到了 一项著名的东西。 请自己看下面这个 公司链接吧: 来自僵尸国度(Zombie Nation)的KFC。

English version:

Warm Congratulations on the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of People's Republic of China!

Part I - Inside eChina

1. Congress election over now, native players secure virtually all seats

In congress election ended on the 26th, native players won most seats thanks to the well-planned organization. The opposition party, Fx Lxx Gong did not get anything. The only non-native winner is Snayke. This affects eChina in two ways: First, without being impeded by the opposition party, we can start focusing on developing the country. Second, this result is a blow to non-native players of which the consequence is hard to estimate. We should also think about that after losing Fx Lxx Gong as our main target, will the unity of all native players be damaged.

2. Peaceful days in the West

With the United States taking back New Jersey, Russia was finally kicked out of North America hot zone. While citizens feeling encouraged by US victory, another serious problem came in. That is, with the fall of the Russian, we can no longer goof around in the US battlefields. The days when we can join a war anytime has passed. Now the only thing we can rely on is the war game by Sol. But this means that we have to be on time to catch the train or rest bored at home.

3. GDP continues to fall
Until Day 677, domestic GDP is 468.8G. It’s been going down for the past few weeks. The formula for GDP is GDP=C+G+L+S, where C stands for cost of company creation, G is for company upgrade, L is expense for buying license and S is all sales in the country. According to non-official statistics, the most recent peak of the GDP, appearing about 3 weeks ago, right before the start of the construction of Q5 hospital, is up to 1,200G. It was at 900G a while ago and started declining ever since. An educated guess shows that possible reasons include massive shutdown of companies, population loss due to labor emigration and increasing smuggling.

4. Hot, again: Reclaiming our lost territories
With the big win in the congress election, native players are again passionate about taking back our lost regions. Some even come up with the idea of asking help from foreign military force at by trading with one high iron region. However, dream is easy, but reality is hard. An report on analysis of strategic value of all regions posted by dawenxi has brought enthusiasts back into reality. Our revolution is far from successful, we still need to hang on. What matters the most is to build our own strength.

5. Q5 Hospital construction still going forward
All 20 employees are still constructing Q5 hospital at full speed. Current progress is 59.5%.

PART II - Focus

As we all know, the recent congress election a triumph to native players. We had almost every seat. But how will the situation affect those non-native players in eChina? How do they think about the result and the future of eChina. We asked these questions to Ma Chao. Here we’ve got his answer.

Ma Chao:
Thank you for your concern. As you may well know, back at the start of 2009 the citizenry of eChina was almost entirely non-native. One of our goals was to tap into the native Chinese demographic by bringing native Chinese into the eRepublik, so as to strengthen eChina with those people most likely to struggle for her prosperity. The recent election has clearly demonstrated that we have achieved this goal, even though nearly all of us that were around then are gone from eChina now. Of course the more Chinese that can be brought into the game the better, but the destiny of eChina is in it's own people's hands now, as it should be. I suppose looking back it could be considered ironic, that those of us who spoke not a word of Chinese would be working towards a goal which may very well end our relevance in the nation we fought and bled for. Really though, as long as the future generations of journalists in eChina make the effort to write in more than just Chinese, I don't see any negative effects for non-native citizens. In the end, it is not the ethnicity of the congressmen but their ideology which will determine how their term will impact the populace. As long as those in office now and in the future continue to support low taxes and free, open markets with minimal government involvement, every citizen in eChina will prosper. Personally, I don't have any regrets. I only got involved in politics because at the time our nation was under a dire threat of political takeover by eIranians and eIndonesians, and later by communist Juche party members. Those who actually cared for the nation needed every congressional seat they could get, so I ran for congress. I did my best to protect the people of eChina, and that's really all there is to it.

PART III – Gossip

1. As congress election approached, congressmen started throwing out all kinds of proposals. Unfortunately, our president, solotar, got another impeachment. And no, with no reason. Someone said it’s nothing unusual:
“As a president, 2 impeachment a day is what shows his identity.”
(Editor: Ever since first issue of this paper, impeachment of solotar has been showing up in this part in every issue. Why is that….)

2. In less than one week, a scandal has already surfaced about aliao, new ambassador to the US, after her first appearance in the US. According to herself:
“I think the Secretary of State is hitting on me, he asked me ‘Hablas Espanol?’ ”

3. tonyunreal: I’m now legally, uh, you know what, with aliao.
Aliao: I think this could be the reason why my boy ran away. He thought I’ve been running with someone else and didn’t tell him.
Well, this is actually what happened after both of them knew they already won the congress election in Yunan because they are the only 2 official candidates there.

4. After being banished from US battlefield, everyone longs for the Sol war games which is said to be started at 1:00 am. But it was already 1:30am and nothing happened. Some started to freak out:
“Sol war games is a big lie. Give my money back. It’s already half an hour now!”

5. When hearing that Japanese is starting a resistance war in Shanxi, some who didn’t know the truth became excited. But they were immediately chilled by the cold water:
“It’s just a war game. Go mind your own business.”
“Well, let’s cosplay about the feeling in Japan-Russian War, then”
“COL(Cry Out Loudly)…..”

PART IV Today's 囧 (囧 is a face, what do you see in this face?)

What is KFC? Kentucky Fried Chicken? No. It’s Korean Fried Chicken. Glorious Koreans have got another famous stuff. Check this link to the company, KFC from Zombie Nation.

另: 本报继续招收编辑, 只要你关注时事, 又有八卦才能, 那就来联系shawkcn, 加入我们吧。