eCanada a History: The destruction of the Bro-Alliance Day 1688

Day 3,794, 13:46 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

There is probably no more important day in modern eCanadian history then the destruction of the Bro-Alliance between Canada and the USA on Day 1688 which if my calculations are correct ironically falls on the 4th of July 2012.

For years prior to this event eCanadian foreign policy was based on the indestructible alliance between Canada and USA. No matter how much trouble Canada would get itself into the USA always had our back.

Like most things in eCanadian history that get destroyed Rylde was front and center in the destruction.

Rylde had found out that the USA was planning on leaving our current Alliance, Terra and forming a new alliance with Brazil, Poland and Spain. This new alliance was later called CTRL.

There is little doubt Canada would have been invited into the new alliance as well but we were not a major player then, as now, and the USA had not involved Canada directly in the alliance talks apparently.

When Rylde got wind of this information he chose to blow up the Bro-Alliance by writing an explosive article on the USA’s plans. There was considerable outrage from eUSA citizens and throughout Terra for the apparent USA betrayal.

This caused a lot of problems for the USA ruling elite and created and massive hate for Rylde and eCanada in the circles of power in the USA.

Just 3 weeks later the USA elite launched their plot for revenge and to destroy Canada. The USA bribed an eCanadian Congressman to NE the USA.

Within a minute of our rogue NE the USA returned the NE law with their own. The USA CP had their congress lined up to vote yes and even executive ordered a yes vote.

By the time Canada figured out what was going on the USA already had enough votes cast in insure their NE would pass.

So this is how we went from Bro’s to enemies in 3 weeks.

It is not for me to judge whom is to blame but there probably were a lot more sane ways to approach this situation by both sides.

Rylde’s explosive article
USA Potus response.

USA bribes Canadian Congressman to start revenge war

I hope you found this article educational and accurate. This article is written as part of my role as Minister of Education.

Yours respectfully,

Exalted Druid
MoE eCanada