Don't Be Different!

Day 1,901, 13:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr. Katze

With the CP elections quickly approaching, I felt it would be good to talk about how dangerous and anti-productive being different can be! There are certain "unspoken" rules in our society that aren't necessarily prohibited by any laws, but are still frowned upon and often called "taboo." Things like controversial humour, and radical political orientation. They're protected rights, but they're protected rights you shouldn't use; unless you're using those rights for the good of your society by voicing how nice it is to be told what you should do and who you should vote for, because thinking is difficult!

You see when you are different, you're creative, and when you're creative you imagine silly things like:

-New ideas
-Challenges to commonly accepted logic
-Asking questions

WOW! Those sure are some scary things right there! Just imagine how terrible it would be if we lived in a society where everyone's opinion mattered! And your importance wasn't determined by your eRepublik age, military rank, and amount of gold you have.
Why, that would be pure chaos!

Don't be like this guy!

Good thing we live in a country where only the wealthy, powerful, and manipulative rule.
Because everyone knows individuality isn't cool! If you really want to be cool, you have to do the exact same thing everyone else does, over and over and over again until they let you talk to them!

Some might refer to me as a "socialist," or a "totalitarian." I can assure you, those words are nothing more than propaganda created by those who wish to overthrow our peaceful and balanced society that is based upon great ideas such as, democracy and freedom; and who could argue with freedom?

Good, old fashioned English freedom.

This concludes today's article of The Rainbowfishiologist.
And remember, you have a state ordered curfew for a reason!

May Rainbowfish be with you.