
Day 2,678, 15:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tara C
*Thanks to Vlado33 for my banner!
Diversity in eIreland!

I just noticed how we have such a diverse group of eIrish Citizens here and I just wanted to show you where some of them are from and I asked some of them for a few translations of different words, and some even a proverb, saying, or a video to do with their RL country.

Here are the translations -

*Anything left blank wasn't answered by the person

Ireland - AoifeNiBhriain
"An luibh ná faightear is í a fhóireann." - "The herb that can't be found is the very one which will work."

A little bit of Irish slang -
- MrTayto

Langer = You are a langer of a man = You fool
Shift = I shifted her = I kissed her
Pull Hard into your man = Hurling term... basically swing your hurley (stick) to hit the ball and follow through to hit the man!
Let every blow be a funeral = Used in sports, where every hit is to be the last one!
There you are now = A strange way of saying hi
Ah here = No way
Your man = Who's your man = Who is he?
Your wan = Who's your wan = Who is she?
His moth = He was out with his moth = He was out with his girlfriend
Legless = She was legless = She was drunk
- Ian Arb
Culchie - Anyone that lives outside Dublin.

Gaelic Football Video & Hurling Video

Bulgaria - Vlado33
"Аз разбирам света като поле за културно съревнование между народите" /
"Az razbiram sveta kato pole za kulturno surevnovanie mejdu narodite" -
"I understand the world solely as a field for cultural competition among the peoples" - Gotse Delchev

Video Link “Some Bulgarian folklore from the Macedonian region where I come from”

Croatia - TomislavRexCroatorum
"Daleko od očiju, daleko od srca" - "Far away from eyes, far away from heart."
"Vrana vrani oči ne vadi" - "A crow doesn’t pick out another crow’s eyes."

Video Link from TomislavRexCroatorum - "That song I've sent you is traditional way of singing in Dalmatia"

Turkey - Machiavelli
Bıldırki hurmalar götünü tırmalar - What comes around goes around.

Italy - Lorenzo Santarelli
"È meglio star solo che mal accompagnato." - "It is better to be alone than to be in bad company."

Brazil – Paschoall
"De grão em grão a galinha enche o papo" - "It logically means something like: each little grain counts towards the goal. Literally it's something related to a chicken getting full by eating little pieces of food again and again and again ..."

Chile – Spanish – T0413
Decided to go down a different route and give us some slang!

I was thinking about what to put here and I realized that we use few words to communicate, so learning Spanish is not enough to survive in Chile, you must know some words like:

Cachay?: Do you understand?
Weón: Mate, guy, stupid
Copete: Alcoholic drink
Pito: Joint
Once: Evening meal
La raja: Great, cool
Bacán: Awesome
Pajero: Lazy
Maraca: wh*re xdxd
Pololo/a: Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Luca: 1000 pesos (money)
ql, qliao: Dude
Paco: Policeman
Fome: Boring

"Weá": Means "stuff". Weá is everything.

My favourite two words are: "Católica", from Universidad Católica, a Chilean football team who has been humiliated in every possible ways. It's meaning is "2nd" and you can find it in many Chileans articles.

"Поздно батька пить боржоми, когда почки отказали." - "Late dad drink Borjomi , when the kidneys failed." a modern proverb means that made not correct or it is necessary to monitor the health before something goes wrong.

I would like to thank each person that participated in this article for giving me their time. I appreciate it!
I hope you all liked this article and if you want to see any other kind, let me know!

Tara C