Dear eChilean friends

Day 3,546, 14:47 Published in Chile Croatia by FG Lexia


Recently I saw an article of one of your high ranking members claiming you thought you had a deal with eSerbia.

You did have a deal with eSerbia. A very long time ago.

And you blew it when you've switched sides.

There will never be any kind of a new deal with your e-country. Period.

You had been mislead by our representative, Free Area into thinking there can be a deal. He didn't consult the democratic council on that idea. Had he done that, he would have quickly found out that there can never be any kind of deal with you. We can lose, we can win, you can lose, you can win, that's all irrelevant. You've betrayed our trust once, and that's perfectly enough.

Have a nice day,


PS: Respect for RL Chile. What I wrote here is referring only to eChile. I have nothing but love & respect for your RL counterpart, as well as the rest of South American countries.