Days of Mayhem,

Day 3,615, 12:49 Published in Romania Romania by SabreHawk

Hello, world!

I will try to inform some of you who didn’t understand the event(Days of Mayhem) strategy.
As you probably know we will have to choose between 14 skills, some of you can choose more or less, it depends on how much strength you have.

Leaders of your countries have chosen the base skills depending on the strategies they will try to approach in the event, this information has been passed on to the MU commanders.

Probably you already notice this, we have some division skill (strength) limitation.

If you are a D1 player don't set up 40k skill to specific terrain unless you have Maverik pack and you can switch division. If you have 40k strength just split and cover 2 terrains (only if you are d1). Same if you are D4 player, you can set 40k skill to a specific terrain but if you have Maverik pack and switch to D1 you will be able to use only 20k skill at D1.

More to come.....