Day 1386. Comments Collector.

Day 1,386, 02:09 Published in Serbia Romania by oboj

6 September :

- Day of the Union of Eastern Rumelia with the Bulgarian Principality
- Malaysia Day

Congrats Bulgaria! (Don't know why I love this country in game and in real life; probably, somewhere in my genes there are some Bulgarians )

BTW: Games changes today.

Collection items for raw material companies - Tool Box!
Working at each raw material company you have on your land gives you the opportunity of completing the collection and get parts of the Tool Box as a reward.
The parts of the Tool Box are: shovel, saw, pliers, hammer and roulette.

The Tool Box gives you 100% more raw materials. For example: if normally you produce 69 Raw, with the Tool Box you will produce 138 raw and you can use it for 5 raw material companies.

Working ONLY in the raw material companies you have on your land brings you the parts of the collection which will appear randomly.

After assembling the parts the Tool Box will be automatically activate😛 for the next 5 raw companies in which the citizen works.

The parts cannot be donated or sold.

Disclaimer: 🙂
This is not a newspaper. It's a place for you to leave comments. Preferably, the funny or/and decent ones.