Dark Africa

Day 2,179, 22:33 Published in South Africa South Africa by Wilpanzer

eAfrica is home to only two countries. This makes running countries in Africa damn near impossible because we have no ally neighbors on our continent and we're too far from Europe to make a notable difference.

I'm personally fed-up with having to deal with South America. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the people there, but they might as well classify eSA as a South American country. The fact that we're thousands of kilometers away from the Americas makes no difference to the speed and precision they attack us. This is a flawed system and makes living in eSA all the more frustrating.

What do I want?
We want to live in eAfrica. In a game called "Medieval Europe" unoccupied territories are home to barbarians or natives. This makes it fun for kingdoms to try to annex these territories. Make no mistake, it's not easy occupying these territories, but for nations far away from the war it's great fun to take land AND TO MOVE CLOSER TO THE WAR through taking these lands.

So imagine a "Scramble for Africa" game module where nations close to Africa can actually colonize land. That would give Egypt and SA something to write home about.

The admins will have to recognize the fact that RL numbers of African countries won't spike soon. The internet infrastructure in Africa is abysmal and I'm afraid the economic infrastructure in many of these countries are even worse.

This will change the face of war and open more fronts of wars for dominating countries. I believe it may balance things out for countries will have to decide in what theater of war their priorities lay.