Current Events

Day 1,455, 14:23 Published in USA USA by Kooguy

Day 1,455 of the new world
November 14 2011
Current Subscribers to Paper: 122
Goal by End of November: 140
Current Top Priority Battle in the eUSA. Click Fight!
Article Features
The Wordmsiths
Revolutionary Party
The Wordsmiths
You may have heard people talking about it. The Wordsmiths are a group of the best writers in the eUSA brought together. We are not a government run paper. It has been decided that we will be a paper of the people, and will only give our opinions, not those of the country's leaders. You'll get differing opinions all over the place, adding to the excitement of reading. There is something for everyone, even humor.

It was originally thought of by BusinessMogule. He laid out the idea in his paper. I thought it was a good idea so I joined. It is healthy to expand out of the usual you're used to. Due to this transition I will be even more active throughout the media.

I myself have decided to write about business every article. It will be nice to contribute as much as I can to this wonderful group. In the first article we made I made the endorsements. It was a small part, but I'm happy to help wherever I can.

The Wordsmiths Consist of
Everyone here is a member: XxBusinessMogulexX, code001, Narkon Des, Jon Malcom, Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard, Cody Caine, Kooguy, portcolumbus, Gnilraps, TomT ,Thedillpickl, louis flood, Rama Samseil, and FreedomFightr.

I look forward to great times with everyone here for as long as this project may last.
More about the Revolutionary Party
In my last article I told you that I would be joining the Revolutionary Party. I explained how I wanted to change what I was doing.

I've arrived and I'm doing great. The first couple of days I had trouble adjusting but I'm doing fine now. Before I joined eight days ago there were 14 members in the party. Due to the recruiting I've done we are now up to nineteen members. One of my goals was to get to twenty-five members, but I now see we can easily exceed that.

What I have proposed to the party is to create an official newspaper. We're going to do it through Molly Jo since we have no organizations. The head of the Media Department will be Kukai Ninjah Soma. There will be an article released once a week, including news from the party and an update from the PP.(me)

I look forward to a great two months serving the party, and I hope we can grow and achieve much more than others thought we could.


to these newspapers

Revolutionary Times
16 Shells
Hell Jumper
Meet The Press
Voice of America
Chae Dee Business
As G as it Gets
DOD Orders
The Allied War Report
After Action Report (I work for it)
The Book of Jude
The Wordsmiths
Newbies Check These Out
Bewbs for Newbs
Meals on Wheels
Goodbye fake America.