Cro Megan Fox

Day 2,892, 03:25 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

And God created Megan Fox

and installed her on movie The Transformers which was apparently past Megan Fox (pause rewind pause rewind pause rewind pause rewind pause rewind) about cars that changed into giant bots(no not that kind of bot Don)

and men appreciated God's gift to mankind and idolized the Megan Fox. And God created Cromega and it quickly multi - plied. And the power of the Megan Fox was immense in the ranks of Cro Magnon men and they feverishly watched the Megan at night by flashlight and did not wonder about such hard stuff as being the titan and being the powerful D1 player.

And where they once chanted Omega Seven they now chanted O Megan.

And he Don with the surname Croata grew very anxious about this latest development as he was feeling the grip of his mind pills waning on his minions as the power of the MEGAN was too immense

And the don got very angry

how could they

I mean wasn't his collection of 1975 Playboys that he stole from his father garage enough for them.

The Ingrates

So the Don thought what he did the last 5 years of his life besides playing the erepublik and he remembered something about an engineering degree. And Robotics. So Don went to his shed and built the CroMegan Fox and he taught her a limited vocabulary like he taught the rest of his clan.

And when he unleashed her there she stood the perfect robot version of Megan Fox

And when she spoke she said hello my fellow brothers and members of The Clerics.

And she started handing mini cleric cloths out. As Krakken had one night sneaked in and reprogrammed Cro Megan Fox. And they all walked out and later they completely forgot the Cromega and they served Cro Megan Fox all the days of her life. Doing her bidding and fighting hard for the Clerics for the rest of their natural life's. And there was lots of crustations left at each briefing but tomi slave and his fella former cromegans fought hard.

And sadly when we look back to what happened to Don Croata it didnt turn out so great 🙁 🙁

Final daze of Donnie Croata