Country Top Tens #2

Day 2,199, 23:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Equalist

Welcome to the second edition of Country Top Tens. Now that the effects of the Freedom Fighter Medal and Determiniation have fallen into place, there are going to be drastic changes compared to last week.

If this is not evidence of how the new features have screwed up rankings, then I don't know what is. For a full analysis of the effects of the Freedom Fighter medal, check out my last article from a few days ago. Poland has lost an unprecedented amount of points in a short amount of time. China, who was ranked #2 last week, has fallen off the chart, now ranked at #16. Even many of the countries that went up in the ranking lost many points. Surely the points will stabilize in future weeks, but it will be at a cost of conquest.

Unlike the Country Power Index, it is not expected to see any radical changes to population numbers. Hungary, ranked number one in Country Power and the only current empire, is tied at #11 in population. Something to take from this is that Latin American countries have lost a large portion of their population in the last week. Over a period of seven days, all the Latin American countries in the top ten have lost nearly 10% of their population. Is this a continuing trend? Find out next week!

The Equalist