Constitutia Romaniei/Constitution of Romania

Day 164, 23:32 Published in Romania Romania by Alex Craciun


1. Numele oficial al statului este Romania. Romania este stat national, suveran, independent, unitar si indivizibil.

2. Forma de guvernamant a statului Romania este republica.

3. Romania este stat democratic si social, guvernat de regulile legii, in care demnitatea umana, drepturile si libertatile cetatenilor, dezvoltarea libera a personalitatii umane, dreptatea si pluralismul politic sunt valori supreme.

4. Suveranitatea nationala apartine fiecarui cetatean al Romaniei si va fi exercitata prin organisme reprezentative, formate prin alegeri libere, periodice si corecte, precum si prin referendum.

5. Nici un grup sau persoana nu poate exercita suveranitate in nume propriu.

6. Limba oficiala a Romaniei este limba romana.

7. Orice persoana ce are resedinta in Romania va fi recunoscuta oficial ca cetatean roman.

8. Loialitatea fata de Stat este o datorie politica a fiecarui cetatean.

9. Toti cetatenii trebuie sa respecte legile Statului.

10. Teritoriul statului Romania este inalienabil. Teritoriul este organizat administrativ in orase si regiuni.

11. Pluralismul politic si partidele politice

* (1) Pluralismul politic in societatea romaneasca este o conditie si o garantie a democratiei constitutionale.

* (2) Formatiunile politice vor fi constituite si isi vor urma activitatile in acord cu legea. Ele contribuie la si definesc vointa politica a cetatenilor, in timp urmaresc suveranitatea nationala, integritatea teritoriala, ordinea legitima si principiile democratiei.

12. Simboluri nationale - Steagul Romaniei este tricolor; culorile sunt aranjate vertical in urmatoarea ordine de la catarg: albastru, galben, rosu.

13. Capitala Romaniei este orasul Bucuresti.

Drepturile Cetatenilor

14. Toti cetatenii se bucura de drepturile si libertatile acordate de catre aceasta Constitutie si au indatoririle scrise aici.

15. Legea nu se aplica retroactiv, exceptie facand doar cele mai favorabile legi penale sau administrative. Orice cetatean se supune legii si este egal in fata ei si are dreptul la aparare si beneficiaza de protectie in fata legii in mod egal si drept, fara discriminare.

16. Nimeni nu este mai presus de lege.

17. Dreptul de acces la functii sau demnitati publice, civile sau militare este garantat, in limita legii, acelor persoane de cetatenie romana si a caror domiciliu este in Romania.

18. Toti cetatenii au dreptul la un (1) vot anonim la fiecare scrutin de alegeri si dreptul la un (1) vot public la fiecare referendum.

19. Toti cetatenii au dreptul de a crea partide politice, asociatii sau uniuni (formatiuni politice). Aceste grupuri, insa, nu pot viola drepturile altui cetatean.

20. Toti cetatenii au dreptul de a trai liberi de orice hartuiala din partea altui cetatean. Hartuirea este definita ca orice cuvant, actiune sau purtare repetata sau persistenta care, indreptata asupra unei persoane specifice, irita, alarmeaza sau cauzeaza angoasa emotionala substantiala a acelei persoane si nu are nici un scop.

21. Dreptul la libera circulatie pe teritoriul Romaniei, cat si in afara lui, este garantat. Legea va specifica conditiile de exercitare a acestui drept. Orice cetatean are garantat dreptul de a-si stabili domiciliul sau resedinta oriunde in Romania sau sa emigreze si sa se intoarca in tara de origine.

22. Autoritatile publice vor respecta viata reala intima, de familie si privata a fiecarui cetatean.

23. Orice persoana sanatoasa are dreptul de hotara singura ceea ce face cu viata ei, fara sa incalce drepturile si libertatile altei persoane si ordinea publica sau morala.

24. Dreptul la munca nu va fi restrictionat. Oricine are libertatea de a-si alege profesia sau ocupatia, precum si locul de munca.

25. Dreptul la proprietate, cat si datoriile catre Stat sunt garantate. Continutul si limitele acestor dreturi vor fi stabilite rpin lege.

26. Accesul liber al oricarei persoane la activitati economice, sarcini libere si activitatile lor exercitate in limitele legii sunt garantate.

27. Cetatenii au dreptul de a se adresa autoritatilor publice prin petitii formulate doar in numele semnatarilor.

28. Cetatenii au dreptul si datoria de a apara Romania.

29. Cetatenii au obligatia de a contribui la cheltuieli publice prin taxe si impozite.

30. Sistemul legal de taxare trebuie sa asigure o distributie echitabila a poverii fiscale asupra fiecarui cetatean.


31. Presedintele este Seful Statului si isi va indeplini sarcinile conferite de eRepublik si de aceasta Constitutie.

32. Un partid politic poate nominaliza un (1) singur candidat la alegerile prezidentiale. Acest candidat poate fi sau nu presedintele partidului.

33. Un presedinte poate detine sase (6) mandate. Aceste pot fi sau nu consecutive. Dupa detinerea celor sase (6) mandate, acea persoana nu este este eligibila pentru a candida sau detine functia prezidentiala niciodata.

34. Daca doua treimi (2/3) din Congres voteaza impotriva permiterii ca Presedintele sa detina functia dupa ce ii expira mandatul, Presedintele trebuie sa respecte sa sa actioneze conform cu aceasta decizie.

35. Presedintele are dreptul sa creeze sau sa dizolve prin propunere ministere guvernamentale. Daca Congresul voteaza in favoarea acestei propuneri cu o majoritate simpla, atunci ministerele sunt create sau dizolvate. Presedintele isi rezerva dreptul unic de a numi si demite ministri dupa cum crede de cuviinta. Presedintele trebuie sa precizeze in ziarul personal ce responsabilitati au ministrii.

36. Presedintele este comandantul suprem al Armatei Romane. Presedintele poate numi orice numar de ofiteri pentru a-l ajuta in aceasta responsabilitate. Toti ofiterii sunt sub comanda presedintelui si trebuie sa raspunda in fata lui.

37. In acord cu aceasta Constitutie, Presedintele poate detine puteri aditionale prin lege.

38. Presedintele va numi un Vicepresedinte prin scrierea clara in ziarul personal a acestei hotarari. Vicepresedintele poate fi orice cetatean si singura lui sarcina va fi sa ia locul Presedintelui in caz ca acesta din urma primeste ban in eRepublik.

39. Razboiul va fi declarat doar cu acordul a doua treimi (2/3) din Congres. Presedintele sau orice persoana din Congres are dreptul dreptul de a propune un razboi impotriva altei natiuni.

40. In eventualitatea unei invazii, Presedintele poate lua orice masuri pentru protectia Statului Romania.

41. Doar Congresul are dreptul de a introduce si vota legi pentru schimbarea taxelor. Orice persoana din Congres poate propune o astfel de lege, care intra in vigoare daca primeste majoritatea simpla a voturilor.

42. Nici o lege nu poate incalca drepturile cetatenilor sau orice articol din aceasta Constitutie.

43. Primarii au puterile conferite de eRepublik. Un Primar poate detine sase (6) mandate intr-o regiune. Aceste pot fi sau nu consecutive. Dupa detinerea celor sase (6) mandate, acea persoana nu este eligibila pentru a candida sau a detine functia de primar in acea regiune niciodata.

44. Toti presedintii, ministrii si primarii sunt obligati sa jure ca se vor abtine de la orice actiuni calificabile drept inalta tradare, semnand un contract special in sectiunea dedicata a forumului din joc in cel mult 72 de ore de la numirea in functie.

Relatii Internationale

45. Romania isi afirma devotamentul pentru idealurile de pace si cooperare amiabila intre natiuni.

46. Romania isi afirma adeziunea la incheierea pasnica a disputelor internationale.

47. Presedintele, cu acordul Congresului, are puterea de a ratifica tratate internationale. Acordul Congresului va fi valid dupa o votare cu majoritate simpla.


48. Tradarea este definita ca orice orice actiune de sprijinire a unui Stat sau a unei persoane, de incitare sau conspirare in vederea declansarii unui razboi impotriva Romaniei, precum si orice incercare de a rasturna organele guvernamentale stabilite prin aceasta Constitutie.

Curtea Suprema si Procurorul General

49. Procurorul General va fi numit de catre Presedinte. Responsabilitatile sale implica ceea ce este scris in aceasta Constitutie sau alte legi. Presedintele poate demite si numi alt Procuror General dupa cum crede de cuviinta.

50. Procurorul General va avea puterea de a acuza orice cetatean de incalcare a legii.

51. Procurorul General va aduce acuzatul in fata Curtii Supreme a Romaniei. El poate desemna orice alt cetatean pentru a-i lua locul si responsabilitatile.

52. Curtea Suprema este constituita din cinci (5) cetateni alesi de catre Presedinte. Judecatorii vor ramane in functie atata timp cat acestia:

* (1) nu sunt banati;

* (2) nu sunt gasiti vinovati de vreo incalcare a legii;

* (3) nu lipsesc de la oricare doua sedinte consecutive ale Curtii Supreme;

* (4) nu anunta in ziarul personal retragerea din Curtea Suprema;

* (5) sunt confirmati de Presedinte la fiecare inceput de mandat al acestuia.

53. In eventualitatea ca un membru al Curtii Supreme sa fie acuzat de incalcare a legii, Presedintele va numi temporar un al saselea Judecator.

54. Verdictul de 'vinovat' sau 'nevinovat' va fi dat de Judecatori prin vot, cu majoritate simpla.

55. In eventualitatea ca Presedintele sau un Primar este acuzat de incalcare a legii, Congresul va numi Procurorul General si cei 5 membri ai Curtii Supreme pentru a se ocupa doar de acest caz. Aceaste numiri vor fi facute printr-un vot cu majoritate simpla intr-unul din primele ziare apolitice si neguvernamentale.

Sistemul de legi

56. Legile sunt propuse de catre Presedinte sau de catre orice cetatean si trebuie semnate de catre 50 de cetateni inainte de a fi propuse. Daca o lege este propusa de catre un membru al Congresului, are nevoie de doar 5 semnaturi ale unor membrii ai Congresului. Daca o lege este propusa de catre Presedinte, nu are nevoie de vreo semnatura.

57. Legile sunt votate de catre Congres cu o majoritate simpla pe forumul dedicat institutiei.

58. Administratorii Erepublik au puterea de a pune in vigoare aceasta Constitutie, precum si toate legile si deciziile care deriva din textul acesteia.


* Orice cetatean are dreptul de a crea sau detine o companie sau sa cumpere/vanda sau sa detina actiuni la o companie sau corporatie si este obligat sa-si plateasca taxele catre stat.

* Orice cooperare dintre stat si o companie privata trebuie facuta in urma unei licitatii publice unde orice companie are dreptul de a participa.

* Consiliul Concurentei este un comitet format din reprezentanti de companii si reprezentanti ai societatii civile si va a avea ca scop emiterea de recomandari pentru preturile produselor si pentru politicile salariale.

* Consiliul Concurentei va propune un set de legi ce va stabili relatia dintre companii si angajati si va defini clar drepturile si obligatiile ambelor parti. De asemenea va informa si notifica Curtea Suprema daca una din aceste legi nu este respectata. Fiecare schimbare a Legii Consiliului Concurentei va fi publicata in ziarul prezidential.


* Romania respecta libertatea presei si dreptul la libera exprimare.

* Orice articol ce nu are legatura cu eRepublik este considerat spam. Orice ziar are dreptul de a publica maxim un (1) articol de spam pe saptamana.

* Orice incalcare a acestor reguli va fi judecata de catre Curtea Suprema care va lua o decizie asupra sanctiunii.

Modificarea si Promulgarea Constitutiei

59. Orice parte a acestei Constitutii poate fi modificata.

60. Orice propunere de modificare a Constitutiei trebuie initiata de o persoana din Congres sau de catre Presedinte.

61. Dupa ce propunerea a fost facuta, modificarea va fi votata prin referendum. Propunerea de modificare este votata pozitiv daca majoritatea cetatenilor este in favoarea propunerii, urmand modificarea imediata a Constitutiei conform propunerii.

62. Pentru orice referendum (legat de orice subiect) nu este necesar ca 50% din populatie sa voteze, doar voturile declarate in timpul stabilit pentru referendum fiind valide. Referendumurile sunt declarate de catre Presedinte si perioada de votare pentru fiecare este, deasemenea, stabilita de Presedinte, fara a fi mai mica de 24 de ore.

63. Aceasta Constitutie va intra in vigoare dupa declararea de catre majoritatea votantilor in favoarea ei printr-un referendum si Presedintele va publica intregul ei text in ziarul prezidential. Constitutia va intra in vigoare imediat.

64. Orice schimbare a Constitutiei va fi urmata de o republicare a intregului text in ziarul prezidential.

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The State

1. The official name of the State is Romania. Romania is a sovereign, independent, unitary and indivisible National State.
2. The form of government of the Romanian State is a Republic.
3. Romania is a democratic and social state, governed by the rule of law, in which human dignity, the citizens' rights and freedoms, the free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values.
4. The national sovereignty shall reside within the Romanian people, that shall exercise it by means of their representative bodies, resulting from free, periodical and fair elections, as well as by referendum.
5. No group or person may exercise sovereignty in one's own name.
6. The recognized official language is Romanian.
7. Any persons residing in Romania are officially recognized as Romanian citizens.
8. Loyalty to the State is a political duty of all citizens.
9. All citizens must abide by the laws of the State.
10. Territory - The territory of Romania is inalienable. The territory is organized administratively into towns and counties.
11. Pluralism and political parties

* (1) Pluralism in the Romanian society is a condition and guarantee of constitutional democracy.
* (2) Political parties shall be constituted and shall pursue their activities in accordance with the law. They contribute to the definition and expression of the political will of the citizens, while observing national sovereignty, territorial integrity, the legal order and the principles of democracy.

12. National symbols The flag of Romania is tricolour; the colours are arranged vertically in the following order from the flag-pole: blue, yellow, red. 13. The Capital of Romania is the Municipality of Bucharest.

Rights of the Citizens

14. All citizens enjoy the rights and freedoms granted to them by the Constitution, and have the duties laid down thereby.
15. The law shall only act for the future, except for the more favourable criminal or administrative law. Every citizen is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination. without any privilege or discrimination.
16. No one is above the law.
17. The right of access to public, civil, or military positions or dignities shall be granted, according to the law, to persons whose citizenship is Romanian and whose domicile is in Romania.
18. All citizens have the right to one (1) anonymous vote per election and the right to one (1) public vote per referendum.
19. All citizens have the right to form political parties, associations, and unions. These groups cannot, however, violate the rights of another citizen.
20. All citizens have the right to live free of harassment by another citizen. Harassment is defined as the words, conduct or action, repeated or persistent that, being directed at a specific person, annoys, alarms, or causes substantial emotional distress in that person and serves no purpose.
21. The right of free movement within the national territory and abroad is guaranteed. The law shall lay down the conditions for the exercise of this right. Every citizen is guaranteed the right to establish his domicile or residence anywhere in the country, to emigrate, and to return to his country.
22. The public authorities shall respect and protect the real intimate, family and private life.
23. Any natural person has the right to freely dispose of himself unless by this he infringes on the rights and freedoms of others, on public order or morals.
24. The right to work shall not be restricted. Everyone has a free choice of his/her profession, trade or occupation, as well as work place.
25. The right of property, as well as the debts incurring on the State are guaranteed. The content and limitations of these rights shall be established by law.
26. Free access of persons to an economic activity, free enterprise, and their exercise under the law shall be guaranteed.
27. Citizens have the right to address the public authorities by petitions formulated only in the name of the signatories.
28. Citizens have the right and duty to defend Romania.
29. Citizens are under the obligation to contribute to public expenditure, by taxes and duties.
30. The legal taxation system must ensure a fair distribution of the tax burden.

The Government

31. The President is the Head of State and shall perform the duties conferred upon him by eRepublik and this Constitution.
32. A political party can nominate only one (1) candidate for the presidential elections. This candidate may or may not be the party president.
33. A President may hold six (6) offices. These may or may not be consecutive. After holding six (6) offices that person in not eligible to present himself as a presidential candidate or hold the presidential office again.
34. If two-thirds (2/3) of Congress vote to disallow a President from holding office after his term expires, the President must respect and abide by this decision.
35. The President shall have the right to create or dissolve by proposition the government-sanctioned ministries. If the Congress vote in favor of the proposition with a simple majority, then the ministries are created or dissolved. The President reserves the sole right to appoint and dismiss ministers as he sees fit. The President must state the duties of the ministers in his newspaper.
36. The President is the supreme commander of the Romanian military. The president may appoint any number of officers to assist in this duty. All officers are under the command of the president and must report to him.
37. Subject to this Constitution, additional powers may be conferred upon the President by law.
38. The president shall appoint a vice president by clearly stating his choice in his newspaper. The vice president can be any citizen, and his only duty will be to assume the role of President in the event that the current President is banned from eRepublik.
39. War shall only be declared with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of Congress. The President or any congressman has the right to propose war against another nation.
40. In the event of invasion, the President may take any measures necessary for the protection of Romania.
41. Only Congress has the right to introduce and pass tax bills. Any congressman may introduce a bill, and upon agreement of Congress with a simple majority, that bill will become law.
42. No bill may infringe upon the rights of citizens or any other article in this Constitution.
43. Mayors have the powers conferred upon them by eRepublik. A Mayor may hold six (6) offices in one region. These may or may not be consecutive. After holding six (6) offices that person in not eligible to present himself as a mayor candidate or hold the mayor office again in that region.
44. All Presidents, Ministers and Mayors are to vow upon abiding from any act that may considered high treason, by signing a dedicated contract in the specific section of the in-game forum within 72 hours from being installed in the function.

International Relations

45. Romania affirms its devotion to the ideal of peace and friendly co-operation amongst nations.
46. Romania affirms its adherence to the principle of the pacific settlement of international disputes.
47. The President, with the agreement of Congress, shall have the power to ratify international agreements. The agreement will be valid after a simple majority vote.


48. Treason shall be defined as assisting any State or person or inciting or conspiring with any person to levy war against the State, or attempting to overthrow the organs of government established by this Constitution, or taking part or being concerned in or inciting or conspiring with any person to make or to take part or be concerned in any such attempt.

The Courts and Attorney General

49. The Attorney General shall be appointed by the President. His duties shall involve those set out in this Constitution and by law. The President many dismiss and appoint a new Attorney General at any time, at his discretion.
50. The Attorney General will have the power to charge a citizen with violation of a law.
51. The Attorney General will prosecute the accused before the Supreme Court of Romania. He may also designate any citizen he chooses to fulfill his role.
52. The Supreme Court will consist of five (5) citizens appointed by the President. The judges shall remain in function as long as they are:
* (1) not banned;
* (2) not found guilty for breaking any law;
* (3) not absent from any two consecutive Supreme Court meetings;
* (4) not willing to publicly give up the position in their personal paper;
* (5) confirmed in their position at any presidential mandate beginning.
53. In the event of a member of the court being charged with a crime, the President will appoint a temporary fifth judge.
54. A verdict of ‘not guilty’ or ‘guilty’ will be determined by a majority vote by the judges. Punishments may also be recommended by the Supreme Court.
55. In the event of the president or a mayor being charged with a crime, the Congress will appoint The Attorney General and the 5 members of the Supreme Court to handle this case only. This appointment will be made by a simple vote in the dedicated forum.

The Laws

56. The laws are proposed by the President or any citizen and they must have been signed by 50 citizens in order to be proposed. If a law is proposed by a member of the Congress, it needs only 5 signatures from members of the Congress. If a law is proposed by the President, it does not require any additional signatures.
57. The laws are voted by Congress by a simple majority in one of the top newspapers.
58. The administrators of Erepublik have the authority to put in effect any part of this Constitution or any laws and decisions deriving from it.


* Every citizen is allowed to create/have a company or buy/have shares at a company or corporation, and must pay his legal taxes to the state.
* Any cooperation between state and a private company or corporation, must be agreed, after a public auction where every company can compete.
* The Competition Committee is the committee formed by companies representatives and civil society representatives. It will issue recommendations on the products price and the salaries politics.
* The Competition Committee will form a set of laws which will establish the relationships between companies and workers, and will form the rights and responsibilities of workers and companies. It will also inform/notify The Supreme Court if one of those rules will not be respected. Every change of the Competition Committee law will be published in the presidential newspaper.


* Romania respects the freedom of press and the liberty of speech.
* Every articole wich is not about erepublik it’s considered spam. Every newspaper is allowed to publish only 1 spam-article per week.
* Any violation of these rules, will be judged at Supreme Court wich will take a decision about the sanction.

Amendments of the Constitution and its Coming into Operation

59. Any part of this Constitution may be amended.
60. A proposal to amend the Constitution must be initiated by a congressman or the President.
61. After being introduced, the proposal to amend the Constitution shall be voted by referendum. The proposal passes if majority of the citizens that voted are in favor, at which point the Constitution will be changed in he manner set out in the proposal.
62. For any referendum (regarding any matter), it is not necessary that 50% of the population votes, only the votes declared in the time period for the referendum counts. The referendums are proposed by the President and the voting period is set also by the President, but it can not be less than 24 hours.
63. This Constitution shall come into operation after being supported by the majority of the voters in a referendum and the President publishes the full text in his newspaper. The Constitution will be in effect immediately.
64. Every change of constitution, will be followed by a re-publish of the entire text in the newspaper of the president.