Congress report - 14 October

Day 2,520, 10:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

What has been happening this term in Congress, you ask?

Well, so do I.

Our CP disappeared, and his replacement is also conspicuous by his absence.

So we have no active CP.

Our Ministry of Finance seems to be operating in a vacuum, Congress asks for a report and gets….. nothing.

We’ve renewed a bunch of MPPs (Mutual Protection Pacts).

Only Ministry that seems to be active at all is the Home Office – the Minister of Education actually is trying to accomplish something. Three cheers!

Congress has two variants of an Immigration Act under consideration. Both create a committee (one rep from each of the top 5 parties) to evaluate all requests for citizenship. The idea is to keep the bad guys out but get good ones in. In one proposal (the one I support) the CP also appoints someone to the committee, with voting rights. The other proposal also has a CP rep but without a vote. The concept here is that someone who makes it to CP should know – or should know someone who knows – who are good guys and who are bad, so we don’t accidentally let in more enemy citizens.

This all started when I put up a proposal that would define who could and could not be granted citizenship. I’m glad that for once it’s the topic is being taken seriously – well, seriously by all but one party, who appear to have taken on the role of Disrupters in Chief (did Dapper/V change his name again?). Anyway, that party’s Congressperson(s) have been very negative and vote against anything the rest of us think is good – again, shades of Vendetta. I guess some people are only happy when they’re being idiots….
So that just about sums it up. I wish I could tell you what’s going on in the forum, but our new Speaker, Zaphod, says he can’t give access, he referred me to the moderator who again…… does nothing. So I’ve not been able to follow the forum at all.

If I may so suggest, next time would everyone please vote for someone sensible and mature for CP? And give TUP enough votes that we can keep the idiots out?