Coming tomorrow: my stance on the issues.

Day 1,916, 20:51 Published in USA USA by Clint Carmel

If you read yesterday's edition of "Cheyenne Mountain," then you know that I announced my candidacy for Congressman. And that certain people were disappointed that I did not spell out where I stand on various issues.

This is fine with me. People have the right to know where I stand on issues, since I am new to everyone reading this. Therefore I will deviate a bit from the usual Monday 'first-steps' column and instead express my thoughts and opinions on the matters of most concern to all of you.

If for whatever reason President's Day activities prevent the paper from reaching you in day 1917-- depending on where you are in the world-- you will have it by day 1918. Plenty of time to mull over where I stand and decide if you want to vote or not.

Now, some of you may be wondering why you are not reading such things today. This is because one of the prerequisites of being a Congressman from the WTP Party is to be in WTP. And there is some work for Hale and Concept that I am doing that absolutely needs to be finished before I go to bed tonight.

It's not a political plank, per se, but this is something you should know about me: I take on only what I can handle, and I finish what I start. And at the moment, the needs of the WTP Party come before my own.

-- Clint

I will address one point, as I want no doubt about this, and this is about the Congressman who blocked the President. And that point is this: I work for the President, directly, as an Ambassador under Black Baroness, and I file weekly reports. I wouldn't be in State if I disagreed with our foreign policy. I will elaborate more tomorrow, but really, this should be all that needs to be said on this particular matter.