CODE - 60 days overview

Day 4,562, 06:25 Published in Romania Romania by alex.tase

Salutare tuturor, recent am aruncat o privire la:
- Diferentele intre Asteria si Code cu datele pentru o singura zi (4556) .
- Asteria in ultimele 60 de zile (4499-4558 ).

Astazi continuam cu CODE, o sa ne uitam la venitul si PIB-ul pe ultimele 60 de zile, 4502-4561. O mini lamurire a datelor si la ce ma refer prin venit si productie poate fi gasit in articolul precentent Asteria - 60 days overview.

Numarul de regiuni, jucatori si lvl, sunt de astazi orele 02-03 erep.

Hello everybody, recently we took a glance at:

- The differences between Asteria and Code with a data snapshot of a single day (4566).
- Asteria in the last 60 days (4499-4558 ).

Today we will continue with CODE, we’ll have a look at the Income and GDP of the last 60 days 4502-4561. A mini explanation of the data and what I mean when I say income and production, can be found in the previous article Asteria - 60 days overview.

The numbers for regions, players and lvl, are from today, 02-03 hours erep.

Numere aruncate asa simplu intr-un tabel nu sunt foarte intuitive, o sa ne uitam la fiecare resursa in parte.

The numbers, simply thrown together in a table are not very intuitive, we will have a look at each resource separately.

Populatie / Active players

- Jucatorii par bine distribuiti in alianta (nu poti forma o majoritate unind doar 2 tari)
- Tara cu cea mai mare populatie activa este Ungaria cu peste 2000 de jucatori, reprezentand aproape 26%.
- Inafara de Ungaria, 3 alte tari au peste 1000 de jucatori, SUA, Turcia si Croatia.
- Cea mai mica tara este Muntenegru, cu doar 82 de jucatori (google sheets nici nu s-a obosit sa o mai arate in chart), urmata de Thailanda cu 85 de jucatori.

- The players appear to be distributed in the alliance (you cannot form a majority uniting only 2 countries)
- The country with the higher active players count is Hungary, with over 2000 players, representing almost 26%.
- The smallest country is Montenegro, with only 82 players (google sheets didn’t even bother to show it on the chart), followed by Thailand with 85 players.

Regiuni / Regions

- Korea de Sud, desi avand doar 5% din populatie, reprezinta 27% din alianta, cu un “uimitor” numar de regiuni … 8 .
- Ungaria, Albania and Bosnia nu sunt prezente in diagrama, avand 0 regiuni.
- Ungaria, desii avand cel mai mare numar de jucatori, nu au nici o regiune. Ai putea spune ca sunt oameni fara tara, parca exista un cuvant in romana pentru asta, dar cred ca este impotriva regulilor sa il folosesc.
- Media numarului de regiuni in alianta este de 3, cu o deviatie de 2,7.

- South Korea, although having only % of the population, represents 27% of the alliance, with an ‘amazing’ number of regions … 8 .
- Hungari, Albania and Bosnia are not represented in the chart, having 0 regions.
- Although Hungary has the bigger number of players, they do not have any regions. You could say that they are stateless, I think there is a word in Romanian for that, but I believe it is against the rules to use it.
- The average number of regions in the alliance is 3, with a standard deviation of 2.7.

Venit / Income

- Nici tara cu cele mai multe regiuni, nici cea cu cea mai mare populatie, nu au cel mai mare venit, acest loc apartinand Statelor Unite, avand peste 40% din total.
- Croatia, pe locul 2, nu este foarte departe avand 17% din venit, cu un numar al populatiei similar cu cel al SUA.
- Distributia de venit nu este la fel de bine distribuita ca si cea a populatiei, SUA fiind calul de bataie al aliantei.

- Neither the country with the most regions, nor the one with the higher population, has the highest income, that place belonging to the USA, having over 40% of the total.
- Croatia, on the second place, is not very far away, having 17% of the income, with a similar population of the USA.
- The income distribution is not as well distributed as that of the population. USA being the workhorse of the alliance.

Mancare / Food

- Ce pot sa zic, SUA produce mai mult decat toate celelalte tari la un loc, avand 69% din productie.
- De mentionat este si Croatia cu 16%. Pot spune ca ei macar incearca, restul find sub 10%.

- What can I say, the USA produces more than all other countries combined. Having 69% of the production.
- Worth of mentioning is Croatia, with 16%. At least they are trying, the rest having under 10%.

Arme / Weapons

- Din nou, SUA este majoritara cu aproape 80%, iar Croatia incearca cu 16%. Aceste 2 tari producant 95% din totalul aliantei.
- Sunt uimit de Muntenegru, avand un PIB al armelor de doar 300k cc in ultimele 60 de zile. Nu uitati de preturile imense (aproape 3x fata de norma) din timpul celor 4 saptamani de event, aducand asta in context, productia lor la preturi normale a valorat probabil undeva in jurul a 100k in 60 de zile, nici macar 2.000 cc zilnic.

- Again, the USA has a majority, with almost 80%, and Croatia is trying wiht 16%. These 2 countries produce 95% of the alliance’s total.
- I am amazed by Montenegro, having a weapon GDP of only 300k cc in the last 60 days. Do not forget the huge prices (almost 3x of the norm) from the 4 weeks of the event. Adding this to the context, their production with normal prices, is only probably work 100k for 60 days, not even 2,000 cc daily.

Case / Houses

- Banuiesc ca majoritatea aliantei are holding-urile in SUA datorita bonusurilor, altfel nu imi explic.

- I am assuming that most of the alliance has their holdings in the USA due to their bonuses, otherwise I can’t explain it.

Arme aviatie / Aircraft Weapons

- Similar cu situatia de la case, desii SUA are momentan bonusuri de 0%, bonusurile normale (cand au toate regiunile) sunt probabil mai mari decat la celalalte tari, deci avand majoritatea holding-urilor.

- Similar to houses, even if the USA bonus is now 0%, their normal bonuses (when they have their regions) might be higher than the rest of the countries, thus having most of the holdings.

Si-am incalecat pe-o sa si v-am spus povestea asa. Articolul acesta a fost poate putin mai scurt decat altele, poate din cauza ca e weekend, poate din cauza ca ma bazaie prietena sa facem ceva, poate din cauza ca nu am un interes atat de mare in CODE.
Urmatorul articol, o sa fie cel mai probabil, o analiza intre Asteria si CODE pe 60 de zile (in loc de 1 singura zi cum a fost primul meu articol pe subiectul acesta). Dupa aceea planuiesc sa trec la tari individuale, si probabil vor fi in ordinea din top. Daca cineva are sugestii, sunt dispus sa le ascult.

An' the wheel bend, an' the story ends. This article was a bit shorter than others, maybe because it is the weekend, maybe because my girlfriend is nagging me to do stuff, maybe because I do not have such a vested interest in CODE.
The next article will most likely be an analysis between Asteria and CODE based on 60 days (instead of a single day, like my first article on this subject). After that, I’m planning to transition to individual countries, and probably they will be in the top order. If anybody has any suggestions, I am open to hearing them.

o7, have fun !