Chat with the Prime Minister #5

Day 2,276, 01:55 Published in Australia Ireland by Skraus Khan

As Mickskitz continue being our Prime Minister, the number of the ''Chat with the Prime Minister will continue counting.

Let's start:

1 - What work that you did in the first term do you intend to keep on doing in this one?

Run competitions and encourage player activity. This really is my main goal for my govt, to start getting people to stay around with the game as well as make eAustralia a fun place to be. I think there is always room for improvement within ourselves and I hope to change the way Australia see's itself from being somewhere which is constantly wiped, to somewhere that is fun to be. This is a game after all, if the game is not fun then why are we all here?
We will also continue running the Ambassador program, JDS and ADF as we have been. I feel that the ambassador program still needs to grow, and that the JDS and ADF have been working well with our newer players.

2 - Can you explain the changes that have been made in your Cabinet, can you tell us why?

So it was mainly a reshuffle. After working with everyone over the past month, I got a good understanding of what people are able to do, and where their weaknesses are. A few people asked for direct changes, others I thought would be better suited to other areas. It is largely an expansion.
I have a completely new Defence team headed up by Ranger Bob and RonnyJnrJnr who bring many years of experience to this department. They understand battle mechanics and strategy very well and are very ambitious, and I expect to see a busy month from them.
Lord Braddy has moved on to the Head of the Ambassador program to allow him to gain some experience in foreign affairs and I wanted to have 1 person managing this solely so that we could really drive up participation in the program.
Venja stepped down from vCP to solely focus on DoF, and Hugh stepped up in his place. Venja did a great job as vCP, but was tiring out and wanted to take a bit of a step back. Hugh is just a ball of energy which keeps everyone going, and he has settled in nicely.

3 - In this week we can see that some RW are happening. I know that Chile are hitting for us to keep our determination bonus low but, do you think that we can utilize this tactic for something good?

Yes there is an opportunity which comes with this, we will be able to coordinate our RW to prevent Chile from having a say as to which regions are liberated and which ones stay occupied. It is clear that Chile is starting to be slightly concerned with our Determination build up, and are trying to nip it in the bud. Now that they have revealed that strategy, we can counter it.

4 - A new Alliance was born this week, do you have something to say about it? In what situation would our Country be involved with the Countries that are be part of that new alliance?

It is clear that this new alliance is in early stages. We are friends with many of the countries in this alliance, but are also friends with many countries who will go towards the other alliance. We are in constant communication with both alliances as to where they see Australia and what can be done to help Australia, but due to our size, we are not a high priority at this time. It is not a case of if we choose to go to one alliance or the other, it could be that some countries might prevent us from joining one alliance, in which case we would join the others, but it is too early to say that for sure.

5 - Can you summarize what your Government has done in this last week for the good of our Country?

It has been a little bit of a messy week in govt. We have been largely intelligence gathering to find out what is happening with the alliances, still much is to be decided with this (by them not us). As many of your readers may know, we were in discussions with South Africa regarding starting an Air Strike in their nation, which would assist them with putting pressure on the PTO that has occurred in their nation. We got very close, but late on in discussions, the South African Govt decided to turn down our offer for support at this time, which led to the vote being cancelled. It might have provided us with a good opportunity, but was going to be a very expensive exercise. This however I feel was a good opportunity to improve relations with our neighbours who appreciated the gesture. We are not occupiers and under any govt that I lead, we will not invade another nation like has been done to us. This was purely a voluntary thing which would have been done for mutual support.

So, to finish the interview, do you have anything to say?

I am really glad to see all the activity in the Media over the past few days, it seems like the community is getting more involved. If there are any suggestions please feel free to direct them my way.

Also, if you have an interest in govt but feel too new or unsure of yourselves, please contact Lord Braddy about the Ambassador program. It is a great pathway to being involved within the politics of the game.