Bulgarians PTOers? I'd say yes...

Day 2,197, 03:28 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by StylerPFC

Hello everyone.

Well, this topic has been quite popular in last few days so I decided to share my thoughts about it. I wasn't very interested in them, but few days ago I posted a shout that I need food. PS Sophie said that I send her a message and we will make a deal.

As you can see, we didn't make a deal.

Quoting PS Sophie's comment from yesterday:

"In this I see nothing wrong StylerPFC...... I offer aid to other players, it's just an exchange of help."

Really, aid to other players? That is so cute. Maybe we could play in sand together. bull...

Well, looks like he/she aided many players.

So, to conclude... They are an enemy country, one of our greatest enemies currently, plus they are on political blacklist, so no CS should be given to them. But obviously some of them like to offer AID to congressman. And now they are getting 8,9 players in Congress.

Who knows, maybe I am wrong... Maybe they will do their best for this eCountry, or they will just steal all our money in the upcoming months... I would bet on second option.