Broken Promises from Erepublik

Day 1,281, 13:08 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

I decided to make a list to see just how many promises Erepublik developers have broken over time! There's a lot and I'll probably end up forgetting some, so if you think any should be on this list just message me.

The List:

-The 'Erepublik Ads' Module - Not so long ago, players could once make their own ads for Erepublik! it was 1 Gold per 10,000 impressions. However, this was removed a little while back, the developers told us they were repairing it, but like most things, we never heard from it again. I messaged George Lemnaru on this a while back, he made it clear that there were no intentions to bring it back.

-Uses for Party Gold - This is the latest one, which was finally done with today. There was much talk in the forums and in conversations with various developers and admins that the gold would be able to be used on parties; although it wouldn't be possible to use it on ads because that module was deleted. Instead, all of that gold has been moved to country treasuries; against the will of much of each party's donators. It might be good for the country - but also on that topic, what can that gold actually be used for? We now have 1.2k Gold sitting around our treasury, and all we can do is spend it on currency. (£588,000 to be exact, but this currency bot and rising inflation means that this is relatively insignificant)

Another problem I noted with is was from my time I spent back in eAustralia. After an eIndonesian PTO which happened a few months back, most of the parties ended up becoming Indonesian. That means that hundreds of eAustralian's Gold has gone to their biggest enemy, which will most likely be used against eAustralia again once eChina can no longer stop them.

- The Famous 'Limit on Wellness Packs' - This is the most discussed topic in the suggestions forum; its also the most ignored thing in Erepublik. Wellness packs are most likely the biggest source of income, with people like Romper buying 1,000 Gold worth on a daily basis.

Like I mentioned in my previous article, is it really fair that one player can do the same amount of influence that an 8,000 population country can do? This called for many players to ask for wellness packs to be limited. This promise was broken I guess, as the Admins won't say anything about wellness packs anymore. Tickets get closed, messages ignored and forum suggestions locked and/or deleted.

- Generation of More Gold - This was posted by either Plato or one of the developers, it was deleted along with most of the other promises in 'Suggestions for Plato' forum. It basically said that to balance the economy, they're going to do things that generate more gold for players. Three months later, and they've done a U-turn on that promise, and instead cost players even more gold.

- Refund for Organisations - Organisations were rendered useless by the many changes the developers made. Its no longer viable to run a company on an organisation, and they announced that organisations will soon be completely removed - They stated the gold would be returned to the administrator of the organisations. Five months later, and still nothing. I know of a few people who spent more than 100 Gold on organisations, another example of players being screwed in Erepublik's experimental developments.

- A Better Service for Players - I don't know what they meant by this, but its been said a few times, especially after the 2 million Euro investment that Erepublik was given (Looking through their YouTube channel gives the impression that it was spent on a new villa, as the new villa came about shortly after the investment), but no aspect of service has improved. Customer service is a complete fail, you won't get any results from that. The actual game has worsened since this has been announced, nothing at all is even showing signs of getting better, and the incessant 500 errors indicate that server load is too high, meaning that this money hasn't gone towards making the game any more efficient.

- "...Erepublik is a game created by its players..." - This isn't the exact phrase, but it was something along these lines. You said this before releasing Erepublik, after beta and before releasing V2. It did start of this way, but now players have no control at all. Governments have no control over their country or their economy, players can't make up for the economic side of things, your bot controls the economy, wars are the only thing we have left to control. Unless you have 10,000+ citizens however, I'd recommend you to stay away from this.

Administrators control everything now. They create everything with very little user feedback. The post in the forums where they say they're building off of the feedback is all good. Not implementing it however is what they're most known for. If it becomes any more gold intensive, most players will leave. Think carefully before implementing the next changes!

Message me if anything is missing, I know I've forgotten a few things.

Erepublik, my message to you. Deleting player's articles and forums post that raise reasonable questions on the course of the game isn't a good idea. This makes people angrier, it doesn't make your problems go away.

Banning people for stopping buying gold, or recommending to people not to get involved with Erepublik isn't viable. This is your fault in the first place they do these things, not theirs. Maybe you should focus on fixing the source of the problem before trying to regain control.

You cannot ignore 95% of feedback just because you don't want to hear it. If most players in any other online game asked for a feature like wellness packs to be limited, they'd do it. You're killing the game and your only solution seems to be to ignore everything and pretend everything is fine.

Most importantly, don't say things that you don't plan to act on!

I was once an active gold buyer, I spent maybe 100 Euros a month on gold. However, even at that much I now struggle to find anything fun to do with that gold. I can use it all in as little as 2 minutes fighting and still not achieve anything. Therefore, I've stopped buying gold. There are much better games out there I can spend my money on, I'm not going to line your pockets any more. 100 Euros a month might not seem like a major loss, but very soon many other players are going to follow. Listen to the players or say goodbye to your profits.

Rant over, thanks for reading! Please vote and subscribe.