Boycott & Hypocrisy

Day 3,341, 10:55 Published in Serbia Croatia by FG Lexia

Have you seen the latest article by Croatian MoFA

In short, one of their illegally bought players got rightfully banned. Good riddance.

But now, Croats are calling for a boycott because hypocritical admins banned only their illegally bought player and aren't banning other illegally bought players. Which, by itself, is a righteous cause to fight for and, in general, I would support it.

But how can one support Boycott lead by guys that boycotted the 2011 eRepublik Rebellion that actually had a chance to change things in the game for the better and stop it from becoming a pay2win game that it is now? Each and every country in eRepublik supported that Rebellion. Except for eCroatia.

It is you who wanted pay2win!

It is you who sabotaged the Rebellion!

Now pay2win or GTFO!

Best regards,

a player that actually supported the 2011 eRepublik Rebellion