Blues Paper investiga...Vos feliz con tu gold...y Plato? [ESP/ENG]

Day 2,127, 06:24 Published in Argentina Argentina by I O N Fernandez
Un día comun y corriente sale la guerrilla fight y los jugadores gastan fortunas pasa ser los mejores , y Plato, ni lento ni perezoso, se aprovecha de esto...
//A common and current day, guerrilla fight appears and players spend fortunes to be the best, and Plato, neither slow nor lazy, takes advantage of this...

Nuestros paparazzis lo siguieron durante un tiempo y sacaron algunas declaraciones y jugosas fotos!
//Our paparazzi followed him for a while and took some photos and juicy statements!

Blues Paper: Se lo ve muy comprometido en algunas fotos...algo para comentar?
Plato : "Me gané cada centavo trabajando duro, merezco un poco de descanso..."

Blues Paper :You look very engaged in some pictures ... something to say?
Plato:"I earned every penny work hard, I deserve a little break ..."

Blues Paper: Pero Plato...el modulo económico esta destruido!Que va a hacer para remediarlo?
Plato :"Van a tener novedades tome el fin de semana para pensarlo"

Blues Paper [/ i]: But Plato ... the economic module is destroyed! What will you do about it?
Plato [/ i]: "They will have news soon ... I take the weekend to think about it"

Blues Paper: Excelentes noticias!
Plato: " Claro, tuve varias reuniones con ministros de economia para que me tiren data"

Blues Paper:Great news!
Plato [/ i]: "Of course, I had several meetings with ministers of economy to give me information on that topic"

Ahora bien...menores de edad abstenerse de ver las siguientes imagenes...fueron sacadas luego de la promo de la venta de gold, se ve que con cada promo, nuestro amigo Plato se hace una fiesta...
//The following pictures were taken after the promotion of the sale of gold,it seems to be that with every promo, Plato gets real party!

Plato: "El Gold nos hace feliz a todos, sigamos divirtiendonos juntos"
Plato: "The Gold makes us happy at all, continue having fun together"

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