AV for Congress...

Day 820, 13:03 Published in Australia Australia by Aussie Vegeta

What can I offer if elected?

I have been in the new world longer than most, and have seen many changes in my time. Some good, some not so. What I can offer is strong opinion and what I believe. I am not afraid to speak my mind, sometimes it's what everyone else is thinking, sometimes not, but without different viewpoint, we'll just keep traveling a path that is leading where?

What do I believe and stand for?

I want to see eJapan become a strong nation, both one that weaker nations turn to for support, as well as one that makes our enemies think twice about before they plan anything. I want to see us economically strong, able to supply the needs of our own population at the right prices, as well as have a strong export program which helps generate local jobs for our citizens, and bring income to our nation. However, I believe becoming a strong nation is a Journey, not a destination. We can't ever sit still and think that we have made it, we need to keep evolving, changing to stay one of the leading nations of the new world.

What issues are a priority to me?

1) Military reform.
I believe that there is much that the army doesn't know, and that the soldiers need to be educated. I have already put into works with the MoD a training program that is starting this week. I strongly believe that there is a balance of activity as well as strength that determines a soldiers place in the army. I think that Dokomo has done a great job in the recent past and look forward to working with him where I can.

2) Looking after our newer citizens.
We were all new once, looking to find our way round a large world that offers so much, yet it seems like once you have clicked afew things, that there is no more to do. How do we show someone the huge realms of oppertunity? Well it's a hard thing trying to balance getting the message through, but on the other hand are we just spending time with a new person who will leave us in a weeks time (or maby less). Personally I think mentoring is the best approach to this, as a mentor can get to know someone, and help them find the path that is right for them. I think exReality does a great job here, I have personally recieved his hospitality when I moved here recently, and think he's the perfect person for this job.

Why am I running with Godzilla?

Of the people that I have met since moving to eJapan, the most focused of them come from this party, I feel that by working with Godzilla, I can help move this nation forwards and onwards to better things.

Thanks for the oppertunity to represent you and I look forward to getting to know those of you that I havn't already soon. If you want to know me more, or ask me about anything that I stand for, feel free to PM me or have a chat to me on IRC.

Cheers, AV...