Autumn sale 2023

Day 5,782, 02:00 Published in Romania Romania by Arty Ro

This time, the admins have raised the price of packages 9120 gold vs 3800 gold the last sale, but it is also more suitable for combinations, but also separate ground and separate air.

Not all of us have 9120 gold to buy all the packs offered in the gold store. But even if someone has them, not everyone wants to buy all the packs. How do we save, how do we choose?
In the table below we have on the white columns (D G J M R) the packages with their content and purchase price. In the solid color columns (F I L Q) are an alternative of the larger pack consisting of smaller packs at the same price. In the green rows you will see the beneficial difference of the smaller packages, and in the red rows, what you will lose if you buy the smaller packages.

For me I chose Pack XS+(2 * S)+M+L air and the same ground packs

You choose what to buy and how much.
If I got something wrong in the table, excuse me, it happens.