At What a Cost

Day 1,785, 13:28 Published in USA USA by snoopy3

I'ld like to share some of the best anti-war poems per my opinion. Here is the first one.

I hope you will enjoy! xD


Send me there
I’ll do as you will
I’ll even kill
I’m your rock

You put me here
Can’t show any fear
You say it’s a thrill
I’m your rock

I fight your wars
On another tour
Defend your shores
I’m your rock

Trained me well
Put me into hell
Your point you sell
I’m your rock

How can I be me
Fighting for the land of the free
Doin’ all I’m told
Watching your plan unfold
Watching your plan unfold

I took your hand
You made me a man
In this foreign land
I’m your rock

You planted the seed
I fought for your greed
Now I live with the deed
I’m your rock

Welcome home
All I love is gone
No one on the phone
I’m your rock

Now all is lost
At what a cost
I’m at a loss
I’m your rock

Mark Lentz