Asteria - 60 days overview

Day 4,559, 06:48 Published in Romania Romania by alex.tase

Salutare tuturor, ieri am aruncat o privire la diferentele intre Asteria si Code cu datele pentru o singura zi (4556). Desi datele pentru o singura zi nu divulga multe informatii, spre surpriza mea, un numar considerabil de persoane au considerat util/informativ articolul, asadar am decis sa continui initiativa si sa public in fiecare zi statistici despre cate o alianta, si poate intr-un final o analiza asupra fiecarei tari din top 10.

Sa incepem asadar cu Asteria, o sa ne uitam la venitul si PIB-ul pe ultimele 60 de zile, 4499-4558. Similar ca si in articolul precedent:

- Datele preluate sunt de pe pagina fiecarei tari din erep.
- Numerele pentru venituri si GDP sunt pentru zilele 4499 pana la 4588.
- Numerele pentru populatie, lvl si regiuni sunt de astazi, orele 01-02 in erep.

Apropo, in contextul acestui articol (si in a celui precedent si probabil in urmatoarele)
- Venit = taxele generate de regiunile proprii. Acestea includ venituri: TVA, donatii, work tax, taxa medalii, etc; dar si cheltuieli: subventii si concesiuni (inainte sa tipe cineva la mine, exista o diferenta intre concesiune is concesie, statul face cconcesiuni)
- Productie = PIB. Aceasta nu reprezinta numarul de lucruri care au fost produse, ci valoarea lor la un pret mediu. Nu sunt sigur daca PIB-ul este calculat pe baza a cat au produs cetatenii tarii respective, sau pe baza a cat au produs holding-urile din regiunile tarii respective, cel mai probabil este pe baza holding-urilor.

Hello everybody, yesterday we took a glance at the differences between Asteria and Code with a data snapshot of a single day (4566). Even if the data on a single day is not very revealing, to my surprise, a considerable amount of people have considered the article to be useful/informative, so, I have decided to continue this initiative and to publish daily some stats about a random alliance, and maybe, sometime publish about each country in the top 10 spots.

Let’s start with Asteria, we’ll have a look at the Income and GDP of the last 60 days, 4499-4558. Similar things to consider as the last article:

- The data has been gathered from each country’s erep page.
- The numbers for Income and GDP are for the days 4499 up to 4588,
- The number for population, lvl and regions are from today, 01-02 hours erep time.

By the way, in the context of this article (and the previous one, and maybe the next ones as well):
- Income = tax generated by a country’s own regions. This include positives: VAT, donations, work tax, medal tax, etc; but also negatives: subsidies and concessions (the parentheses in the romanian version discuss the different meaning of 2 very similar words in romanian)
- Production = GDP. This does not represent the number of products, but their value at an average price. I am not sure if the GDP is calculated on the basis of how much each citizen of a particular country has produced, or on the basis of how much the holdings from it’s regions, the holdings version is more likely.

Numere aruncate asa simplu intr-un tabel nu sunt foarte intuitive, o sa ne uitam la fiecare resursa in parte.

The numbers, simply thrown together in a table are not very intuitive, we will have a look at each resource separately.

Populatie / Active players

- Tara cu cea mai mare populatie activa este Serbia, reprezentand aproape 33% din totalul Asteriei.
- Serbia si Romania reprezinta majoritatea aliantei, avand impreuna 56.5% din jucatorii activi.
- Cea mai mica tara din aceasta privinta, este Portugalia, urmata de Iran.

- The country with the higher active players count is Serbia, representing almost 33% of the whole Asteria.
- Serbia and Romania represent the bulk of the alliance, having 56.5% of the total active players.
- The smallest country, in this aspect, is Portugal, followed by Iran.

Regiuni / Regions

- Tara cu cea mai mare populatie, este si tara cu cele mai multe regiuni. Serbia, avand o pondere similara cu cea a populatiei de 30% din total.
- De observat este faptul ca si Bulgaria se incadreaza in acelasi aspect, cu 13% in populatie si regiuni.
- Cea mai mare discrepanta intre populatie si regiuni este in Iran. Numerele sale reprezentand sub 10% din populatie, dar un numar considerabil de regiuni, 46, marcand peste 20% din total.

- The country with the highest population count, is also the country with the most regions. Serbia, having a ratio similar to that of it’s population of 30% of the total.
- Worthy of notice is that Bulgaria also has a similar ratio, with 13% in both population and regions
- The biggest discrepancy in population and regions is Iran. It’s numbers representing under 10% of the population, but a considerable number of regions, 46, marking over 20% of the total.

Venit / Income

- Romania, Bulgaria si Portugalia, au un procentaj de venit, mai mare decat cel de regiuni (dar similar cu cel al numarului de jucatori). Asta ar putea fi din mai multe motive: mai multi lucratori per regiune, taxe mai mari, etc. Este nevoie de o analiza mai in profunzime pentru ca gasii cauza exacta (vre-un voluntar?).
- Desii Iran reprezinta doar 7% din populatie, venitul reprezinta aproape 13%. Un factor datorat posibil din cauza numarului de regiuni.
- O observatie ar fi faptul ca, aparent, numarul de jucatori este mult mai important decat numarul de regiuni, in ceea ce priveste venitul din taxe. Dar regiunile totusi avand un efect (a se observa Iran). Asta suna firesc pentru majoritatea, dar e frumos cand practica este de acord cu teoria si banuiesc ca merita sa fie mentionat.

- Romania, Bulgaria and Portugal, have a higher income percentage, than that of regions (but a similar number with that of players). This might be due to multiple reasona: more players per region, higher taxes, etc. We need a more in depth analysis in order to find the exact cause (any volunteers?).
- Even if Iran only represents 7% of the population, the income represents over 13%. A factor probably owed to it’s number of regions.
- One observation would be that, apparently, the number of players is more important than the number of regions, when accounting for the income. But regions also have an effect (Iran is an example). This sounds obvious for most people, but it’s nice when practise agrees with theory, and I assumed it is worth mentioning.

Mancare / Food

- Suprize, surprize. Iran pare sa fie producatorul principal de mancare, reprezentand 31% din productia totala. Romania este pe aproape, cu 27%.
- Pentru Italia, nu prea am cuvinte, am verificat de mai multe ori datele (atat la mancare cat si la arme), nu stiu care este explicatia, dar presupun ca are legatura cu faptul ca este sub o dictatura. Daca ne poate lamurii cineva, as fi recunoscator.

- Suprises, suprises (romanian joke, related to a tv thing). Iran seems to be the main food producer, representing 31% of the total. Romania is close-by with 27%.
- For Italy, I’m a bit out of words, I’ve checked and double checked the data (for food and weaponse), I do not know what is the correct explanation, but I assume it has something to do with the dictatorship. If somebody can clarify this for us, I would be grateful.

Arme / Weapons

- Iran a fugit de restul aparent (nu prea are sens in romana 🙁 din pacate). O productie de peste 30% (din total) la arme si mancare. Imi este greu sa trag concluzia la cauza-effect intre numarul de regiuni si productie. Au reusit sa stanga atatea regiuni, datorita productiei? Sau au resusit sa aibe o productie atata, datorita numarului de holding-uri acaparate ? Probabil un pic din ambele.
- Italia …
- O productie foarte similara, intre Romania si Serbia, de 16.x% la ambele.

- Iran ran away from the others apparently. A production of over 30% (of the total) at both weapons and food. It is hard for me to decide on the causality between production and regions. Did they manage to get this number of regions due to high production? Or they managed to have this production, due to the number of holdings in the conquered regions? Maybe a bit of both.
- Italy …
- A very similar production between Romania and Serbia, both having 16.x%.

Case / Houses

- Stiti stereotipul cetateanului roman care pleaca in strainatate ca sa stranga bani sa isi faca si el o casa ? Probabil ca functioneaza, Romania avand 40% din productia Asteriei de case. Aparent si sirbii sunt destul de buni in constructii, luand locul 2 cu 33%.
- Daca pana acum, Italia era veriga slaba, casele nu par deloc o prioritate in Peru, producand 0,5% din total. Italia si Bulgaria nu sunt nici ele departe cu doar 3.1% si 3.2% respectiv.

- Do you know the stereotype of the romanian that emigrates in order to get money so that he can build his house ? It probably works, Romania having 40% of the Asteria house production. Apparently Serbians are also skilled construction workers, taking second place with 33%.
- If up until now, Italy was the weakest link, houses do not appear to be a priority for Peru, producing 0.5% of the total. Italy and Bulgaria are not far behind with just 3.1% and 3.2% respectively.

Arme aviatie / Aircraft Weapons

- Ok, ma dau batut, poate sa imi explice si mie cineva care foloseste arme de aviatie, ce calcule a facut de ii se par rentabile ?
- Facandui pe Coanda si Vuia fericiti, Romania conduce detasat productia de arme de aviatie, cu o productie de 70%. Serbia este pe locul doi cu 19%.
- Restul de tari din Asteria sunt probabil la fel de confuzi ca si mine, producand foarte putin.

- Ok, I give up, can somebody that uses aircraft weapons tell me what maths they have done to think they are viable?
- Making Coanda and Vuia happy, Romania is leading the aviation industry, with a production of over 70%. Serbia is on second place with 19%.
- The rest of the countries in Asteria are probably as confused as I am, producing very little.

Si-am incalecat pe-o sa si v-am spus povestea asa. Aparent Plato mi-a dat o plama putin. Dupa aproape 11 ani de joc (cu pauze de rigoare), nu mi-a trecut prin cap sa ma uit pe wiki la misiuni, asadar mai am nevoie de 3 articole cu comentarii de la peste 25 de jucatori …
Deci, ramane aceeasi rugamite ca si in articolul precendent, certati-va intre voi, spuneti-mi cat de gresite sunt datele mele, si etc.

An' the wheel bend, an' the story ends. Apparently Plato decided to give me a slight slap. After almost 11 years of erep (with considerable pauses), I never once thought to have a look at the wiki page for missions, so, I still need 3 articles with comments from more than 25 players …
So I have the same request as in the last article, argue with each other, tell me how wrong my data is and so on.

o7, have fun !

Nici una momentan, dar sunt sigur ca gaseste cineva ceva.
None yet, but I’m sure somebody will find something.