Article Contest has come to an end

Day 1,905, 19:25 Published in India India by GouthamKrishnan


Hello mighty eIndians,

The 14-days Article Contest has come to an end with participation of 10 writers and 11 articles. 11 articles in 14 days makes an average of less than a single article submission per day. I am really sad that the contest has not become a popular one with lots of participants. I thought many more writers would submit their articles. Anyway the contest has come to an end and the details on the winners will be published soon.

The Submission Form in the website and the Ratings have been closed. The Winners will be selected with views from selected members and with some consideration from the Ratings.

So here is the details of the Titles and Rewards.

Best article in Section I - 100 Q7s
The selected best article from Section I

Best article in Section II - 100 Q7s &
The selected best article from Section II

Best article in Section III - 100 Q7s
The selected best article from Section III

Best article in Section IV - 100 Q7s
The selected best article from Section IV

Most Entertaining Article - 50 Q7s

Commius Award in Mythological Arts - 150 Q7s
Commius is pleased to be awarding the prestigious Commius Award in Mythological Arts to the best writer regarding myths and legends.

New Writers - 25 Q7s and 2 gold
Every new writer whose articles got approved in the Contest will be getting this prize for sure.

xordin Award for Participation - 25 Q7s
Every writer whose article got approved in the contest will be getting this award sponsored by xordin.

Calculating the Rewards
xordin Award for Participating - 25Q7 * 10 = 250 Q7
Rewards for best writers of each section - 100 Q7 * 4 = 400 Q7
Rewards for new writers - 25 Q7 & 2g * 2 = 50 Q7 and 4g
Commius Award - 150 Q7
Most Entertaining Article - 75 Q7

So totally 925 Q7 and 4g will be given as rewards.

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