Are you even SERIOUS?!

Day 2,173, 03:50 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Muz1

Just a while ago, PTI Spokesman and Congressmember muhammad usman javaid proposed a rogue law about proposing Indonesia as a Natural Enemy.

Many of you would know that we recently had an NAP with Indonesia a few days ago
But still, these people continue to proceed with their childish behavior. It's strange how this rogue law got 5 "Yes" votes so quickly which gives a BIG hint to anyone with even a pea sized brain that is probably a pre-planned attempt by the PTI/PRF/Dr. Fagter Bishop to turn Indonesia against us, leading to a fight which we probably will lose and all blame will rest on DPP's shoulders.
It's time to wake up. 😉
Don't let these Good-for-nothing-complainers control you, JUST THINK!

Also, proposing a wage change law again without consulting the MoF is another failure of the mentioned congressmember and his party.
This is Muz signing off. o/
(This article is not open for trolling. Troll and expect an abusive reply in return especially you Check Mate.)

2x HoC
1x CP of ePakistan