Are you combat ready?

Day 2,523, 11:31 Published in Romania Canada by Darkmos

Are you ready for combat?

We provide you the gear, the energy and the resources to be all that you can be. We will become the best because you will be supplied with the best and the latest technology as to offer. You will get the best reward incentive program ever designed. Join now and get your combat packs so we can start unleashing hell!
7 Q7 tanks daily!
300 energy daily!
You can request up to 500 energy twice a week!
You can request up to 25 tanks twice a week!

War packages will be offered through the many MU contests!
The top 3 in number of kills for each division can earn you up to 50 weapons and 1000 energy distributed every Tuesday according to the leadership board of the previous week.

The top 3 in damage of each division for each week according to the leadership board will automatically be entered in the monthly draw to win a War Stash.
Random contests to win assault packs and other prizes are also held on a regular basis.
During important battles extra supply of tanks and food will be posted on our MU feed.
Training ground upgrade program available for division 1 and 2 soldiers which will complement the already available Canadian TG loan program.

Max your Pack!
Incentives are given to all MU active workers and we love to reward active members.

Here is what you have to do!

Work for our Military unit every day.
Do your 25 kills/day or 175 kills/week.
Wearing the uniform (although not mandatory, it will have its perks).
Contact the following commanders for more information,
Punisher 1389

International Players are encouraged and welcomed to join our MU but will need to be pro LETO-ASTERIA and therefor will be expected to fight for those countries. Your citizenship country will determine your approval and may be subject to an interview prior to being approved.