Day 3,702, 00:36 Published in USA USA by Mark Matters

This article is opinionated.


I want you to imagine a world where you are on the top.

Not down to the side or way off in the far distance.

A world where you’d rule your own existence on what you could provide, and that ability to provide was often quite enormous.

Prospects and vast resources were at your fingertips just for the simple taking and general control.

Generosity was more widespread.
War was simply massive on scale.

Citizens of the eUSA are blindly proud and collectively organized. We are number one.

Our bubble charts and spreadsheets are bursting with digits on the prosperous side. The economy is booming and roaring. The money is flush.

You’ve just heard a general description of being born in eUSA conditions around the RL era 2008.

While not trying to sound reminiscent or nostalgic, now we will enter our current times. While business continues as usual, gold mines and creativity is being passed by.


Arrogance and avarice have slowly corrupted the efficiency and effectiveness of the nation. It’s not even in fault to any one particular person, yet more to a constant lifestyle and approach gone bad.

As with all things, evolution and the civil cycles of our e-lives will cede to the trend of the times and to the needs.

A need is GROWTH on all counts.


Time is of essential proportions when taking into consideration we are rapidly approaching the event horizon in the hierarchy of our Elife.

Our ability to navigate our destiny as a nation will only further weaken as consolidated groups of well-established power brokers ignore and neglect the population issues.

Many leaders are elders that have no interests in building yet more competition to the halls of power.

In consequence, the tides of change favor the bold and aspiring.


Stimulating the social and economic fabrics of our nation or even the entire eWorld, will require a complex yet transparent central program that harvests the aliens from RL worlds to increase the amount of new fertility the eUSA lacks within society.

Simply put. We need to get it on.

A lack of new people creating a new character makes thus no increase in population and as the older generations die off, getting multi banned or reincarnating, the population will only diminish and down we all go in the rankings.


If at any point, increases in the eUSA population will drastically increase ALL revenues across the board from ALL ends.

- It might even make companies and markets a vastly lucrative cash cow again.

Those citizens that are well placed after the population reset, will be quite well off. The government coffers will be flush, government programs will afford to promote and grow and you can be assured those $400,000 dollar donations sent nearly every other day to the Congressional Budget office from the public coffers will increase to everyday too.

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