Analyzing Kosovo...

Day 1,430, 22:24 Published in USA Portugal by AmRix

On 19 October 2011 Admins decided to ad Kosovo as a region of Serbia

Serbia's population is +15'000 and 7'954 of them voted for Kosovo as Region of Serbia! While Albania's population is 100.
Does this sounds fair?
We all know that eRepublik is a Slavic game, most of it's population is Slav, which means PRO-Serbia!It's normal that they want is as a region of Serbia.

PRO-Serbian Quote: "But Serbia won with poll and it Kosovo should be added as their region! This is democracy!"

You say that this is democracy? Letting players to chose is democracy? Well make a poll to Add all existing players in game 100 gold. All would vote YES! But would you apply that admins ? Sure NOT!

I you wanted Kosovo as a region of Serbia, why you didn't add it before?
Or before 4 years the situation wasn't clear and you wasn't sure if add it or not.And now, after 4 years, when +85 Countries accepted Free Kosovo, you add it under Serbia?! This have no sense!

I know admins are IRL Romanians (which means PRO-Serbia), so now you should keep Serbia's side? Shouldn't they be impartial?!

If Kosovo is a region of Serbia in RL, they should take orders from Serbia's Head of State But, they are governed from Their head of state!
Kosovo has his own flag, his own army, president, prime minister and his own government! They are independent! And they should be also in eRepublik!

The best solution now would be to not add Kosovo for the moment!
Kosovo's independence is accepted by +85 countries so it can not be called a Region of Serbia, but it is not accepted by other 115 countries , so adding Kosovo isn't fair to another group of players.
I think it should not be added for the moment because the number of Albanians in game is about 100, and diving ourselves in 2 parts won't be a good idea...
I know that this solution won't be appreciated by most Albanians and Slavs, BUT This is the best solution for the moment! Forget Ultra-Nationalism and watch this from another perspective, an impartial perspective...