An Interview with Vanek26

Day 1,926, 22:59 Published in USA USA by Clint Carmel

Greetings, loyal readers. I apologize for missing a day or two of posts, but I have been very busy learning my job as the junior Congressman from Colorado. You will be happy to know that I have maintained a solid voting record, and will be keeping my loyal constituents up to date on laws and policies, as promised when I ran.

Today however, I'd like to turn the spotlight over to Vanek26, a man who is running for President of the United States. He was gracious enough to answer my questions, and now I present to you his answers.

Clint: I see that you are running for President of the United States. Why? What are your credentials? Any accomplishments this months you are particularly proud of?

Vanek26: I've been MoD (NSC Chairman) of the United States for over a year. This means I've been the head of military orders. I've been the Terra Supreme General and Commander. Terra is our old, now defunct alliance. My biggest accomplishments would probably be reconquering the United States after we were wiped under Glove, and working with EDEN to prevent 17 ONE nations from having Congress, including Poland and Serbia. That moment was the equal to the ONE World Tour in terms of complete annihilation of one side.

Clint: What are your goals? What do you hope to accomplish?

Vanek26: I hope to take the USA out of this tailspin of lethargy.

Clint: How do you feel about the current state of eUS politics?

Vanek26: They are rather lackluster.

Clint: Any domestic policies you would revise?

Vanek26: Not really.

Clint: What do you like about USWP? How do you feel about the parties? WTP? AFA? FED? AMP? Vox? Shoe Police? Specifically, how do you feel about this weeks's events, with RGR and Viarza coordinating an attempt to have two 'top 5' parties?

Vanek26 I hate party politics. I'm a USWP member, but only cause I need to be one to run for Congress and such. I view people as being eAmericans or not. USWP, AMP, WTP, Feds, ect are. AFA and Shoe party are not. I think the events last week woke people up on the ATO front after getting complacent.

Clint: Finally-- for those who know Vanek26 the character, but who know nothing of the man behind the curtain: what brought you to eRepublik? What keeps you around?

Vanek26: I was looking for a new game to play. What keeps me here? The hundreds of dollars and years I've invested as well as people I call friends.


There you have it. Some good, solid answers from Vanek26. The man comes across as not only have a deep knowledge of the game, but also he appears to have a strong passion for it. He literally answered me within a half hour of when I sent him the questions; I have to respect that sort of courtesy to a new player.

-- Clint