An Interview with SandalaiM - All About The Baby Boom

Day 1,811, 16:24 Published in Israel Israel by Hunter the Hammer

Today, I interviewed SandalaiM, a very respected citizen of eIsrael. I decided that I would ask him about the Baby Boom Project, an initiative by eIsrael to attract new players to our great eCountry.

So here we go!

Regarding the Baby Boom Project, do you support it? Why or why not?

Yes, I am totally support the baby boom project. More people mean more fun, more power to eIsrael, more money to the state. This project helps to bring new citizens and the most important thing, new friends to the game.

With the Baby Boom Project, do you think that more eIsraeli citizens will strengthen our economy, or weaken it? Why or why not?

I think they will strengthen it. Again, more people equals more produce, it makes eIsrael have more “buying power” and will lower the prices. Moreover, we will have to give more supplies, the state won’t be able to support and supply so many people...therefore, we should also think about way we can help every solider without spend too much money.

Do you think that, to attract new citizens, the eIsraeli government should offer NIS or a gold bonus for people who come to eIsrael from the Baby Boom Project?

No, totally NO! eIsrael haven’t enough money for that. We can’t give regular supplies without KM donates their medals, there is no place for giving gold or NIS to people you doesn’t really know if they will stay 2 days after.

What is the biggest disadvantage to the Baby Boom Project?

In my opinion, the biggest disadvantage in the Baby Boom Project is that we actually SPAM people... I know, it is works, and bring new people, but I don’t like when I got spam... So why others would like? If we only had other way we can bring new people without spam, I was really happy.

If you could change one thing about the way that the Baby Boom Project attracts new people, what would you change?

Hmm, I would like to see more man power there. More people spamming, more activity. I think it would be wonderful if it was happen.

What's your opinion on how the Baby Boom Project is working?
Well, results speaking for themselves. You can see more new people come to IRC, our active and fighting population getting bigger, and you can check anytime, anywhere you want the MOI articles in order to see where we actually step-in. So, yes! I’m really pleased to see this Project working!

SandalaiM completely supports the Baby Boom Project. His beliefs mirror those of many others, thinking that the more eIsraeli citizens, the more we will produce, and prices will go down. In that aspect, he is right. The more supply there is to compensate with the demand, prices will drop due to competition.

His most important comment was, "Moreover, we will have to give more supplies, the state won’t be able to support and supply so many people...therefore, we should also think about way we can help every solider without spend too much money." SandalaiM is completely right by thinking for the future with supplies. As shown by the MOI reports (link below), our population is growing. Thinking about supplies, mostly how to pay for them, is important. Does this call for partial or total privatization of our military? Do eIsraeli citizens now, more than ever, need to start thinking about a life with less supplies? These are serious questions, with no clear answer. Please, sound off in comments.

Remember, the economy grows with you.

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Baby Boom Projet Reports